Entre 1420 y 1450, los nobles valencianos Eximèn Pérez de Corella y Pero (o Pere) Maça de Liçana mantuvieron duros enfrentamientos, algunos armados, entre ellos y a través de sus vasallos, fundamentalmente en las comarcas del sur del reino de Valencia, pero con ramificaciones que se extendieron a las instituciones de la Corona. Estos conflictos surgían de la rivalidad entre una familia de barones de rancia estirpe en declive (los Maça de Liçana) y otra de caballeros recientemente ennoblecidos (los Corella) que con sus servicios a la nueva dinastía Trastamara crecían en fortuna y poder. En estos enfrentamientos convergían rivalidades jurisdiccionales y por el dominio territorial, enemistades personales y envidias sociales, que acabaron toman...
For high aristocracy of Castile, the lordships, titles of nobility and many incomes were granted by ...
En este artículo se analiza la lucha del concejo de Mirabel contra los agravios recibidos de los señ...
Publication and study of the “lletres de batalla” (written challenges to combat) exchanged by the Va...
Entre 1420 y 1450, los nobles valencianos Eximèn Pérez de Corella y Pero (o Pere) Maça de Liçana man...
Entre 1420 y 1450, los nobles valencianos Eximèn Pérez de Corella y Pero (o Pere) Maça de Liçana man...
Los conflictos señoriales constituyeron uno de los rasgos definitorios del proceso de señorializació...
Wide sectors of Valencia and its kingdom did not give up their support to the earl of Urgell, Jaume ...
This study provides new unpublished documents from the series of letters of Valencia Municipal Archi...
The author analyzes the factional strifes between the two most prominent noble houses of the city of...
This is a study of the conflicts between knights and nobles on one hand, and townsmen on the other, ...
This article studies the role of the nobility in the XV century military expansion of the Crown of A...
Peñafiel is a good example of the increasing struggle for power in the cities and towns in Spain in ...
: During the 15th century the Castilian kingdom continued its territorial expansion towards the sout...
In the relations between monarchy and nobility, a classic topic of the political medieval historiogr...
It is a well-known fact that political relationships between the nobility and towns in fifteenth-cen...
For high aristocracy of Castile, the lordships, titles of nobility and many incomes were granted by ...
En este artículo se analiza la lucha del concejo de Mirabel contra los agravios recibidos de los señ...
Publication and study of the “lletres de batalla” (written challenges to combat) exchanged by the Va...
Entre 1420 y 1450, los nobles valencianos Eximèn Pérez de Corella y Pero (o Pere) Maça de Liçana man...
Entre 1420 y 1450, los nobles valencianos Eximèn Pérez de Corella y Pero (o Pere) Maça de Liçana man...
Los conflictos señoriales constituyeron uno de los rasgos definitorios del proceso de señorializació...
Wide sectors of Valencia and its kingdom did not give up their support to the earl of Urgell, Jaume ...
This study provides new unpublished documents from the series of letters of Valencia Municipal Archi...
The author analyzes the factional strifes between the two most prominent noble houses of the city of...
This is a study of the conflicts between knights and nobles on one hand, and townsmen on the other, ...
This article studies the role of the nobility in the XV century military expansion of the Crown of A...
Peñafiel is a good example of the increasing struggle for power in the cities and towns in Spain in ...
: During the 15th century the Castilian kingdom continued its territorial expansion towards the sout...
In the relations between monarchy and nobility, a classic topic of the political medieval historiogr...
It is a well-known fact that political relationships between the nobility and towns in fifteenth-cen...
For high aristocracy of Castile, the lordships, titles of nobility and many incomes were granted by ...
En este artículo se analiza la lucha del concejo de Mirabel contra los agravios recibidos de los señ...
Publication and study of the “lletres de batalla” (written challenges to combat) exchanged by the Va...