Indie, Čína a Indonésie patří mezi šest největších a nejrychleji se rozvíjejících ekonomik světa (BRIICS). Bohaté země se stále zdráhají přijmout fakt, že rozvojové země se stávají silnější a že se přesouvá rovnováha ekonomických sil. Mezinárodní společenství se proto snaží hledat cesty, jak této situaci čelit a jako vhodný nástroj nato považuje mezinárodní obchod. WTO si klade za hlavní cíl zapojit rozvojové země do světového obchodu a vytvořit mu lepší podmínky. Proto je v roce 2001 otevřená Rozvojová Agenda z Doha, která si klade za cíl uskutečnit záměr WTO. Cílem této práce je zhodnotit úspěšnost a perspektivy Katarského kola se zaměřením na postoje a zájmy velkých asijských ekonomik a to konkrétně Číny, Indie a Indonésie.India, China a...
El artículo explora la forma en que la Organización Mundial del Comercio,OMC, ha entendido su papel ...
On November 9-14, 2001, trade ministers from WTO countries met in Doha, Qatar for their fourth Mini...
The Doha Round is the longest-running trade liberalization negotiation in the postwar era. Despite i...
India, China and Indonesia are among the six largest and fastest growing economies in the world (BRI...
The Doha Development Agenda is the first "round" of multilateral trade negotiations under the World ...
May I first pay compliments to the leadership of the Asian Development Bank for hosting this seminar...
This bachelor thesis focuses on international negotiation within the World Trade Organization, parti...
A fundamental objective of the Doha Round of WTO negotiations is to improve the trading prospects of...
[From the Introduction]. The Doha trade round has reached a critical stage, after five years of stop...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest omówienie podstawowych barier występujących w ramach Światowej Organizac...
Runda z Dohy WTO, niezależnie od jej ostatecznego rezultatu, symbolizuje włączenie problematyki rozw...
In connection with the process of globalization, the importance of international trade increases not...
The most flattering statement regarding the Doha Round is that there is a lot of uncertainty surroun...
The development focus of the Doha Round emerged from a renewed spirit of responsibility for the chal...
Since 2001, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has launched the Doha Round that aims to speed up the...
El artículo explora la forma en que la Organización Mundial del Comercio,OMC, ha entendido su papel ...
On November 9-14, 2001, trade ministers from WTO countries met in Doha, Qatar for their fourth Mini...
The Doha Round is the longest-running trade liberalization negotiation in the postwar era. Despite i...
India, China and Indonesia are among the six largest and fastest growing economies in the world (BRI...
The Doha Development Agenda is the first "round" of multilateral trade negotiations under the World ...
May I first pay compliments to the leadership of the Asian Development Bank for hosting this seminar...
This bachelor thesis focuses on international negotiation within the World Trade Organization, parti...
A fundamental objective of the Doha Round of WTO negotiations is to improve the trading prospects of...
[From the Introduction]. The Doha trade round has reached a critical stage, after five years of stop...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest omówienie podstawowych barier występujących w ramach Światowej Organizac...
Runda z Dohy WTO, niezależnie od jej ostatecznego rezultatu, symbolizuje włączenie problematyki rozw...
In connection with the process of globalization, the importance of international trade increases not...
The most flattering statement regarding the Doha Round is that there is a lot of uncertainty surroun...
The development focus of the Doha Round emerged from a renewed spirit of responsibility for the chal...
Since 2001, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has launched the Doha Round that aims to speed up the...
El artículo explora la forma en que la Organización Mundial del Comercio,OMC, ha entendido su papel ...
On November 9-14, 2001, trade ministers from WTO countries met in Doha, Qatar for their fourth Mini...
The Doha Round is the longest-running trade liberalization negotiation in the postwar era. Despite i...