Vztah mezi zahraniční pomocí a ekonomickým růstem vystupňoval mnoho diskuzí: posiluje růst v zemích s dobrým politickým prostředím, v zemích s vyšším podílem bilaterální pomoci nad multilaterální, mimo oblast tropů nebo jednoduše s klesajícími výnosy. S rozšiřující vědeckou základnou se v průměru jeví pozitivní vliv na zvyšující se tempo růstu rozvojových zemí. Práce má za primární cíl zjistit, zda-li existují neekonomické a nepolitické aspekty ovlivňující rozdílnou účinnost zahraniční pomoci v zemích Subsaharské Afriky. Statistická významnost synergického efektu cross -- country regrese panelových dat na 450 pozorování v letech 1981-2010 pomocí interakce zahraniční pomoci a indikátorů specifického institucionálního prostředí jednotlivých z...
There have been intensive debates on the role of aid in promoting economic development in developing...
Most poor developing countries, especially those with limited natural resources, low savings and inv...
The relationship between foreign aid and economic growth is investigated for a panel of developing c...
Bakalářská práce má za cíl zjistit, jaký vliv má rozvojová pomoc na hospodářský růst subsaharských z...
Since the beginning of the1960s, developed countries have spent over USD 3 trillion on offi-cial dev...
Does foreign aid contribute to economic growth? If so, is the impact of aid conditional on good poli...
For decades the question regarding foreign aid’s effectiveness has been disputed. The ongoing debate...
Foreign aid is a relatively new form of economic exchange between nations, yet in only a few decades...
The effects of external aid to the developing countries on economic growth have been controversial i...
This paper examines the effectiveness of foreign aid and foreign direct investment in the Czech Repu...
This paper analyzes the effects of foreign aid on the economic growth of developing countries. The s...
Does foreign aid contribute to economic growth? If so, is the impact of aid conditional on good poli...
This paper studied whether the complementarity between financial development and foreign aid promote...
The Developing world suffers from the economic delay behind developed economies which is allied with...
Foreign aid’s effect in developing economies has been a discussed topic for decades. Many scholars h...
There have been intensive debates on the role of aid in promoting economic development in developing...
Most poor developing countries, especially those with limited natural resources, low savings and inv...
The relationship between foreign aid and economic growth is investigated for a panel of developing c...
Bakalářská práce má za cíl zjistit, jaký vliv má rozvojová pomoc na hospodářský růst subsaharských z...
Since the beginning of the1960s, developed countries have spent over USD 3 trillion on offi-cial dev...
Does foreign aid contribute to economic growth? If so, is the impact of aid conditional on good poli...
For decades the question regarding foreign aid’s effectiveness has been disputed. The ongoing debate...
Foreign aid is a relatively new form of economic exchange between nations, yet in only a few decades...
The effects of external aid to the developing countries on economic growth have been controversial i...
This paper examines the effectiveness of foreign aid and foreign direct investment in the Czech Repu...
This paper analyzes the effects of foreign aid on the economic growth of developing countries. The s...
Does foreign aid contribute to economic growth? If so, is the impact of aid conditional on good poli...
This paper studied whether the complementarity between financial development and foreign aid promote...
The Developing world suffers from the economic delay behind developed economies which is allied with...
Foreign aid’s effect in developing economies has been a discussed topic for decades. Many scholars h...
There have been intensive debates on the role of aid in promoting economic development in developing...
Most poor developing countries, especially those with limited natural resources, low savings and inv...
The relationship between foreign aid and economic growth is investigated for a panel of developing c...