The master thesis focuses on the European debt crisis. It first studies the development of monetary integration on the continent. It is followed by the detailed analyses of the debt crisis, how it started, what were the triggers, how it unfolded and at what point is it now. It identifies the fundamental issues of the crisis and the reasons of it. Lastly, it analyzes the implications of the crisis in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The master thesis contains 73 pages, 25 figures or tables and 1 annex.Práca je zameraná na Európsku dlhovú krízu. Najprv sa zaoberá vývojom monetárnej integrácie na kontinente. Nasledovne detailne analyzuje dlhovú krízu, ako sa začala, čo ju spustilo, ako sa vyvíjala a v akej fáze sa momentálne nachádza. Identifi...