Úloha ekonomie v ochraně životního prostředí je pro Kazachstán velmi aktuálním tématem v důsledku toho, že stát má velmi rozvinutý těžební průmysl, který přináší značné zatížení životního prostředí. Tato zátěž je obzvláště patrná v oblasti těžby a zpracování ropy. Cílem této práce je v návaznosti na "Státní koncepci ekologické bezpečnosti v Kazachstánu 2004--2015" analyzovat státní politiku v oblasti ochrany ŽP s důrazem na prevenci ropných havárií se zaměřením na exponovanou těžební oblast v Kaspickém moři a dále metody likvidace ropných úniků jako nástrojů ochrany ŽP včetně konkrétních postupů a firemních nákladů spojených s likvidacemi. V práci bude zhodnocena také efektivnost existujících modelů likvidace ropných úniků v naftových spole...
This article analyzes the basic ecological-economic indicators of oil and gas companies, in particul...
"The aim of the article is to explore the relationship between the economic strategy of an oil-expor...
This article analyzes the basic ecological-economic indicators of oil and gas companies, in particul...
The role of economic theory in the preservation of nature in Kazakhstan is very current, because min...
Předmětem bakalářské práce je analýza role ropy v ekonomice Kazachstánu, který je ze všech zemí Stře...
The authors considered the rational reasons of effective measures for prevention and liquidation of ...
Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je diskutovat možnosti státu regulovat činnosti nadnárodních rop...
Like any other industrial activity, the production of hydrocarbons affects the environment both thro...
This article examines the environmental problems of the oil and gas sector in the Republic of Kazakh...
Kazakistan’ın petrol sanayii, ülkenin ekonomik güvenliğinin ve bağımsızlığının ana unsurlarından bir...
The commitment of national industries to traditional energy sources, as well as constantly growing e...
The article considers the variety of impacts that oil exploration and production operations have on ...
The presented article tells about the placement of countries in terms of reserves and processing vol...
The aim of the article is to explore the relationship between the economic strategy of an oil-export...
Caspian region's hydrocarbon deposits constitute one of the significant reserves in the world. This ...
This article analyzes the basic ecological-economic indicators of oil and gas companies, in particul...
"The aim of the article is to explore the relationship between the economic strategy of an oil-expor...
This article analyzes the basic ecological-economic indicators of oil and gas companies, in particul...
The role of economic theory in the preservation of nature in Kazakhstan is very current, because min...
Předmětem bakalářské práce je analýza role ropy v ekonomice Kazachstánu, který je ze všech zemí Stře...
The authors considered the rational reasons of effective measures for prevention and liquidation of ...
Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je diskutovat možnosti státu regulovat činnosti nadnárodních rop...
Like any other industrial activity, the production of hydrocarbons affects the environment both thro...
This article examines the environmental problems of the oil and gas sector in the Republic of Kazakh...
Kazakistan’ın petrol sanayii, ülkenin ekonomik güvenliğinin ve bağımsızlığının ana unsurlarından bir...
The commitment of national industries to traditional energy sources, as well as constantly growing e...
The article considers the variety of impacts that oil exploration and production operations have on ...
The presented article tells about the placement of countries in terms of reserves and processing vol...
The aim of the article is to explore the relationship between the economic strategy of an oil-export...
Caspian region's hydrocarbon deposits constitute one of the significant reserves in the world. This ...
This article analyzes the basic ecological-economic indicators of oil and gas companies, in particul...
"The aim of the article is to explore the relationship between the economic strategy of an oil-expor...
This article analyzes the basic ecological-economic indicators of oil and gas companies, in particul...