Hospodářské krize jsou obdobími, která výrazně přispívají k rozvoji protekcionismu. Nejinak tomu bylo i během současné krize, která začala v červenci roku 2007. Cílem této diplomové práce je zjistit, zda se v současné reakci států na hospodářskou krizi skrývá riziko protekcionismu. Důraz je kladen zejména na reakci Čínské lidové republiky.Economic crisis are time periods that significantly contribute to the development of protectionism. It was the same during the current crisis that began in July 2007. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether the current national responses to the economic crisis hide the risk of protectionism. The thesis focuses mainly on the People's Republic of China
Import 04/07/2011V reakci na světovou ekonomickou krizi přijímají mnohé země protikrizové balíčky, k...
Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce se zabývá protikrizovými opatřeními ve vybraném podniku. V práci j...
The article is concerned with an analysis of the mechanism for anti-crisis management of economic sy...
Economic crisis are time periods that significantly contribute to the development of protectionism. ...
Trade policy and protectionism. Previous crises experiences, Great Depression. Protectionism and cur...
The theoretical part describes and summarizes the causes and consequences of the crisis for the worl...
Diplomdarbā tiek apskatīts protekcionisma metožu pielietojums pasaules ekonomiskās krīzes laikā. Eko...
Jedan od temelja tržišnog gospodarstva je tržišno natjecanje. Njegova svrha je osigurati ravnopravan...
Globalne krize neizbježan su dio globalnog tržišta. Postoje mnogi razlozi koji stvaraju krize na trž...
Pojavom pandemije koronavirusa najprije u Kini, a zatim i širenjem po cijelom svijetu, zaustavljeno ...
Gospodarska kriza, ki je izbruhnila leta 2008 v ZDA in se nato hitro širila v Evropo, je zavzela glo...
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the change in response of Latin American governments to the eco...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has sought to liberalize the international trade market and preve...
This thesis deals with the current financial crisis and its solutions. In the first part of this wor...
Decline in world trade which was caused by the global crisis could cause further drop of production ...
Import 04/07/2011V reakci na světovou ekonomickou krizi přijímají mnohé země protikrizové balíčky, k...
Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce se zabývá protikrizovými opatřeními ve vybraném podniku. V práci j...
The article is concerned with an analysis of the mechanism for anti-crisis management of economic sy...
Economic crisis are time periods that significantly contribute to the development of protectionism. ...
Trade policy and protectionism. Previous crises experiences, Great Depression. Protectionism and cur...
The theoretical part describes and summarizes the causes and consequences of the crisis for the worl...
Diplomdarbā tiek apskatīts protekcionisma metožu pielietojums pasaules ekonomiskās krīzes laikā. Eko...
Jedan od temelja tržišnog gospodarstva je tržišno natjecanje. Njegova svrha je osigurati ravnopravan...
Globalne krize neizbježan su dio globalnog tržišta. Postoje mnogi razlozi koji stvaraju krize na trž...
Pojavom pandemije koronavirusa najprije u Kini, a zatim i širenjem po cijelom svijetu, zaustavljeno ...
Gospodarska kriza, ki je izbruhnila leta 2008 v ZDA in se nato hitro širila v Evropo, je zavzela glo...
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the change in response of Latin American governments to the eco...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has sought to liberalize the international trade market and preve...
This thesis deals with the current financial crisis and its solutions. In the first part of this wor...
Decline in world trade which was caused by the global crisis could cause further drop of production ...
Import 04/07/2011V reakci na světovou ekonomickou krizi přijímají mnohé země protikrizové balíčky, k...
Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce se zabývá protikrizovými opatřeními ve vybraném podniku. V práci j...
The article is concerned with an analysis of the mechanism for anti-crisis management of economic sy...