The article examines methods of images analysis based on computer vision. We made a comparison between the detectors of feature points determined by Harris and Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi (KLT) methods. Found points are represented by Speed-Up Robust Feature (SURF) descriptor and then used to determine homography matrix. Analyses of accuracy of visual navigation is done by estimation of a camera rotation angle via factorization of homography matrix obtained from two detector methods. Errors of visual navigation follow the normal distribution for the given sample.Исследованы методы анализа изображений на основе компьютерного зрения. Проведена оценка эффективности детекторов характерных точек, определенных методами Харриса и Канаде-Лукас-Томасе (КЛТ)...
На основі методу класичної молекулярної динаміки досліджується сила тертя, що діє на наночастинки ср...
The modern development of science and technology has provided high quantity of information. This inf...
This article discusses the problem of controlling access to resources of intelligent enterprise usin...
Growing popularity of location based services is leading to an increasing volume of mobility data. I...
The paper considers an analysis of object and phenomena recognition methods. We focus at the main pr...
The paper presents an analysis of the importance of studying graph algorithms, the reasons for the n...
The article describes the process of developing a chatbot to provide students with information about...
Growing popularity of location based services is leading to an increasing volume of mobility data. I...
The conditions of application of a Compton direct-charge detector (DCD) for monitoring of intensity ...
Досліджено розвиток кешбеків та кешбек-сервісів та проаналізовано стан вітчизняного та зарубіжного ...
The nondestructive method of evaluating material properties and structural integrity is built upon u...
Експериментально отримані залежності об'єктивних оцінок якості мовленнєвого сигналу від смуги частот...
Произведен прогноз потребления электроэнергии (ЭЭ) населением, видами экономической деятельности и в...
The article supports the need for training techniques for neural network computer simulations in a s...
Growing popularity of location based services is leading to an increasing volume of mobility data. I...
На основі методу класичної молекулярної динаміки досліджується сила тертя, що діє на наночастинки ср...
The modern development of science and technology has provided high quantity of information. This inf...
This article discusses the problem of controlling access to resources of intelligent enterprise usin...
Growing popularity of location based services is leading to an increasing volume of mobility data. I...
The paper considers an analysis of object and phenomena recognition methods. We focus at the main pr...
The paper presents an analysis of the importance of studying graph algorithms, the reasons for the n...
The article describes the process of developing a chatbot to provide students with information about...
Growing popularity of location based services is leading to an increasing volume of mobility data. I...
The conditions of application of a Compton direct-charge detector (DCD) for monitoring of intensity ...
Досліджено розвиток кешбеків та кешбек-сервісів та проаналізовано стан вітчизняного та зарубіжного ...
The nondestructive method of evaluating material properties and structural integrity is built upon u...
Експериментально отримані залежності об'єктивних оцінок якості мовленнєвого сигналу від смуги частот...
Произведен прогноз потребления электроэнергии (ЭЭ) населением, видами экономической деятельности и в...
The article supports the need for training techniques for neural network computer simulations in a s...
Growing popularity of location based services is leading to an increasing volume of mobility data. I...
На основі методу класичної молекулярної динаміки досліджується сила тертя, що діє на наночастинки ср...
The modern development of science and technology has provided high quantity of information. This inf...
This article discusses the problem of controlling access to resources of intelligent enterprise usin...