Penelitian ini berusaha mengetahui variasi spasial perkembangan ekonomi tiap zona wilayahkabupaten/ kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Beberapa alat analisis akan digunakan, khususnyaberkaitan dengan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi, tipologi daerah menurut struktur pertumbuhan ekonomidan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB), spesialisasi wilayah dengan menggunakan LocationQuotient dan Shift-Share, dan analisis faktor-faktor pengaruh perubahan perkembangan ekonomidengan menggunakan korelasi product moment dan regresi linier berganda. Untuk mengetahui variasiperkembangannya akan digunakan periode 2004-2008. Adapun analisisnya menggunakan deskriptifkuantitatifdengan penemuan penelitian: pertama, terjadi dinamika pertumbuhan dan perkembanganekonomi tiap z...
Regional development is a national development device. Regional development is the fruit of innovati...
Economic potency in region of central Java is interesting to analyze. On 2000 to 2004, this region h...
Abstract This study entitled "Analysis of Determination of Leading Sectors on Economic Growth in ...
Regional economic potencies in Central Java Province is an interesting object to examine. Many regen...
Potential economic resources in the Central Java Province provide interesting features for analysis,...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variasi tingkat perekonomian di Kabupaten Kulon Progo ta...
This research aims to analyze the role of the agricultural sector to Gross Regional Domestic Product...
This research aims to determine the level of sectoral economic growth and leading economic sectors i...
This research purposes are to analyse the intra-regional disparity and economic growth In East Java'...
Perbedaan berbagai sumbangan sektor perekonomian yang dibagi menjadi sembilan sektor ekonomi menuru...
This research purposes are to analyse the intra-regional disparity and economic growth In East Java'...
Kajian terhadap potensi sumberdaya di suatu daerah perlu dilakukan untuk dapat merumuskan jawaban at...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis potensi masing-masing sektor ekonomi dengan mengetahui sekt...
This study aims to determine the economic sectors with the potential to be developed as supporting e...
From the results of this study found that based on the Growth analysis, overall sector field effort ...
Regional development is a national development device. Regional development is the fruit of innovati...
Economic potency in region of central Java is interesting to analyze. On 2000 to 2004, this region h...
Abstract This study entitled "Analysis of Determination of Leading Sectors on Economic Growth in ...
Regional economic potencies in Central Java Province is an interesting object to examine. Many regen...
Potential economic resources in the Central Java Province provide interesting features for analysis,...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variasi tingkat perekonomian di Kabupaten Kulon Progo ta...
This research aims to analyze the role of the agricultural sector to Gross Regional Domestic Product...
This research aims to determine the level of sectoral economic growth and leading economic sectors i...
This research purposes are to analyse the intra-regional disparity and economic growth In East Java'...
Perbedaan berbagai sumbangan sektor perekonomian yang dibagi menjadi sembilan sektor ekonomi menuru...
This research purposes are to analyse the intra-regional disparity and economic growth In East Java'...
Kajian terhadap potensi sumberdaya di suatu daerah perlu dilakukan untuk dapat merumuskan jawaban at...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis potensi masing-masing sektor ekonomi dengan mengetahui sekt...
This study aims to determine the economic sectors with the potential to be developed as supporting e...
From the results of this study found that based on the Growth analysis, overall sector field effort ...
Regional development is a national development device. Regional development is the fruit of innovati...
Economic potency in region of central Java is interesting to analyze. On 2000 to 2004, this region h...
Abstract This study entitled "Analysis of Determination of Leading Sectors on Economic Growth in ...