[目次] 1.はじめに, 2.出頭・滞留義務肯定説の内容, 3.出頭・滞留義務肯定説の批判的検討 (1)出頭・滞留義務を課した被疑者取調べの実態 (2)取調べの適正化に関する近時の改革とその効果 (3)出頭・滞留義務を課した被疑者取調べの法的性質 (4)法198条1項の解釈, 4.出頭・滞留の可否(取調禁止説の主張とその検討) (1)逮捕・勾留の目的・効果 (2)弁護人依頼権 (3)黙秘権・公判中心主義 (4)法198条1項の解釈 (5)小括, 5.任意処分性確保の方策 (1)出頭・滞留義務の不存在,取調べ手続等の明示 (2)弁護人依頼権の実質的保障 (3)黙秘権の実質的保障, 6.おわり
The article deals with the minor suspect interrogation tactics in the pre-trial investigation to ide...
The article discusses the results of a study of the personal qualities of criminals with different c...
The article investigates the concept of forensic feature, its place in the criminalistic characteris...
publisher[目次] 1.はじめに, 2.出頭・滞留義務肯定説の内容, 3.出頭・滞留義務肯定説の批判的検討 (1)出頭・滞留義務を課した被疑者取調べの実態 (2)取調べの適正化に...
In the article the matters of optimization of the terms of detention a person on suspicion in commis...
The scientific article is devoted illumination of some aspects of the investigation of crimes agains...
The article deals with the problems of appealing for the detention in criminal proceedings on the ba...
In article is considered the bases and an order of detention of the person on suspicion in commissio...
The study dealt with keeping in detention for the purposes of investigation in jurisprudence and law...
The article is devoted to problems and methodological principles of investigative reporting in the m...
The article is devoted to the topical peculiarities of the journalistic investigations in modern mas...
The article deals with the minor suspect interrogation tactics in the pre-trial investigation to ide...
The article discusses the results of a study of the personal qualities of criminals with different c...
The article investigates the concept of forensic feature, its place in the criminalistic characteris...
publisher[目次] 1.はじめに, 2.出頭・滞留義務肯定説の内容, 3.出頭・滞留義務肯定説の批判的検討 (1)出頭・滞留義務を課した被疑者取調べの実態 (2)取調べの適正化に...
In the article the matters of optimization of the terms of detention a person on suspicion in commis...
The scientific article is devoted illumination of some aspects of the investigation of crimes agains...
The article deals with the problems of appealing for the detention in criminal proceedings on the ba...
In article is considered the bases and an order of detention of the person on suspicion in commissio...
The study dealt with keeping in detention for the purposes of investigation in jurisprudence and law...
The article is devoted to problems and methodological principles of investigative reporting in the m...
The article is devoted to the topical peculiarities of the journalistic investigations in modern mas...
The article deals with the minor suspect interrogation tactics in the pre-trial investigation to ide...
The article discusses the results of a study of the personal qualities of criminals with different c...
The article investigates the concept of forensic feature, its place in the criminalistic characteris...