The article analyzes the work and especially the novels by the Canadian writer of Slovenian descent, Ted Kramolc. It places him within the context of other diasporic literary authors in Canada as well as the Slovenian cultural space and discusses the critical response to his work, particularly in the period after Slovenian independence.Članek predstavlja delo in posebej njegove romane kanadskega pisatelja slovenskih korenin, Teda Kramolca. Postavlja ga v kontekst drugih književnih ustvarjalcev v Kanadi in tudi v slovenskem kulturnem prostoru ter obravnava kritiški odziv na njegovo delo, predvsem v času po slovenski osamosvojitvi
The author presents the work of the Slovenian Cultural Association Simon Gregorčič in Toronto, Canad...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
The article essentially features a contrastive historical survey of the various attitudes towards im...
The first part of the book discusses the position of Slovenian émigré literature and its place in th...
This article on the literary creativity of Slovene rnigrants in Australia after the Second World War...
The article presents the interplay between cultural and political aspirations of Slovenians within t...
The article presents the interplay between cultural and political aspirations of Slovenians within t...
In the novel Za dolar človečnosti (For a Dollar of Humanity, 1983) written by Ivan Dolenc, a biograp...
At the beginning of this research, there were first of all some main questions hat had to be taken u...
This article on the literary creativity of Slovene rnigrants in Australia after the Second World War...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
The article at first describes the bilingual literary creativity of Slovene migrants in Australia. T...
1noThe aim of the article is to present the novel Tujci/Foreigners by the Slovenian canonical writer...
The author presents the work of the Slovenian Cultural Association Simon Gregorčič in Toronto, Canad...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
The article essentially features a contrastive historical survey of the various attitudes towards im...
The first part of the book discusses the position of Slovenian émigré literature and its place in th...
This article on the literary creativity of Slovene rnigrants in Australia after the Second World War...
The article presents the interplay between cultural and political aspirations of Slovenians within t...
The article presents the interplay between cultural and political aspirations of Slovenians within t...
In the novel Za dolar človečnosti (For a Dollar of Humanity, 1983) written by Ivan Dolenc, a biograp...
At the beginning of this research, there were first of all some main questions hat had to be taken u...
This article on the literary creativity of Slovene rnigrants in Australia after the Second World War...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
The article at first describes the bilingual literary creativity of Slovene migrants in Australia. T...
1noThe aim of the article is to present the novel Tujci/Foreigners by the Slovenian canonical writer...
The author presents the work of the Slovenian Cultural Association Simon Gregorčič in Toronto, Canad...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...
Prispevek obravnava podobe slovenske književnosti v nemški regionalni časopisni periodiki na Slovens...