A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics of the Earth’s gravity field. The present paper focuses on atmosphere-based mass redistributions using global surface pressure data from the NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center for the period 1980-2002. We computed atmosphere-triggered temporal variations of the Earth’s low-degree zonal gravitational coefficients Jl (l = 2 : 4). Such atmosphere-triggered ΔJl(t) are compared with the Arctic Oscillation Index (AOI) and with the observed ΔJl(t) computed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) so as to investigate a possible coupling. We show that there is a significant agreement between the AOI and atmosphere-triggered ΔJl(t), as well as a particula...
Here we use the ERA-40 and ECMWF operational surface level air temperature data sets from 1957 to 20...
Understanding the dynamical relationships between low frequency forcings and the interannual variabi...
The relationship between the geomagnetic aa index and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) ha...
A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics ...
A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics...
A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics ...
Theatmosphericdynamicsduringtheoccurrenceoftheextremenegativevalueofthe ArcticOscillationIndexinFebr...
AbstractClimate change associated with recent global warming is most prominent in the Arctic and sub...
The influence of ocean–atmosphere interaction on the wintertime Arctic oscillation (AO) is investiga...
International audienceWe consider various aspects of the link between solar-modulated geomagnetic ac...
bserved global warming trends have their maximum in Arctic regions, a phenomenon referred to as Arct...
Arctic Oscillation (AO) reflects the dominating mode of SLP (or 1000hPa) variability in hemispheric ...
The first principal component of Northern Hemisphere sea level pressure, known as the Arctic Oscilla...
The leading empirical orthogonal function of the wintertime sea-level pressure field is more strongl...
In the present study, the authors investigated the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation (AO) ...
Here we use the ERA-40 and ECMWF operational surface level air temperature data sets from 1957 to 20...
Understanding the dynamical relationships between low frequency forcings and the interannual variabi...
The relationship between the geomagnetic aa index and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) ha...
A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics ...
A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics...
A host of geophysical processes contribute to temporal variations in the low-degree zonal harmonics ...
Theatmosphericdynamicsduringtheoccurrenceoftheextremenegativevalueofthe ArcticOscillationIndexinFebr...
AbstractClimate change associated with recent global warming is most prominent in the Arctic and sub...
The influence of ocean–atmosphere interaction on the wintertime Arctic oscillation (AO) is investiga...
International audienceWe consider various aspects of the link between solar-modulated geomagnetic ac...
bserved global warming trends have their maximum in Arctic regions, a phenomenon referred to as Arct...
Arctic Oscillation (AO) reflects the dominating mode of SLP (or 1000hPa) variability in hemispheric ...
The first principal component of Northern Hemisphere sea level pressure, known as the Arctic Oscilla...
The leading empirical orthogonal function of the wintertime sea-level pressure field is more strongl...
In the present study, the authors investigated the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation (AO) ...
Here we use the ERA-40 and ECMWF operational surface level air temperature data sets from 1957 to 20...
Understanding the dynamical relationships between low frequency forcings and the interannual variabi...
The relationship between the geomagnetic aa index and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) ha...