Investigating high-amplitude oscillations in rat tail skin blood flow during core heating and cooling

  • Haley, CD
  • Gordon, C
  • Taylor, NA
  • Jenkins, A
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Publication date
January 2004
Elsevier BV
Journal of Thermal Biology
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In a separate paper, we describe high-amplitude oscillations in human skin blood flow (Q?sk). Using an open-loop model in rats, we independently modulated and clamped hypothalamic and skin temperatures. Central heating reliably induced these high-amplitude oscillations in tail Q?sk, which occurred at 0.41±0.03 Hz spanning 758.1±25.7 ms, and were comprised of high-amplitude peaks (496.8±87.6 AU) arising from a stable baseline (114.1±27.6 AU). Central cooling significantly reduced Q?sk, but not the amplitude, the frequency, width or baseline of the oscillations. These observations indicate that such high-amplitude oscillations are not primarily mediated via central thermal state. Instead, we believe these oscillations to be turned on by an el...

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