This study considers the relationship between immigration and Portuguese tourism demand for the period 1995-2008, using a dynamic panel data approach. The findings indicate that Portuguese tourism increased significantly during the period in accordance with the values expected for a developed country. The regression results show that income, shock of immigration, population, and geographical distance between Portugal and countries of origin are the main determinants of Portuguese tourism
This study presents an empirical evaluation of the impact of tourism on the Portuguese economy. We ...
This paper analysis the determinants of international tourism demand for Romania and it quantifies t...
This paper explores the determinants of immigration to Portugal. It is the first study to empiricall...
This study considers the relationship between immigration and Portuguese tourism demand for the peri...
This study considers the relationship between immigration and Portuguese tourism demand for the peri...
Abstract. The tourism industry has expanded in recent years due to internal and external environment...
This study measures the impact of economic determinants on the international demand for tourist serv...
This article considers the determinants of Portuguese tourism demand for the period 2004-2013. The e...
The tourism industry has expanded in recent years due to internal and external environmental forces....
This study measures the impact of economic determinants on the international demand for tourist serv...
This article focuses on the importance of tourism by investigating the relationship between tourist ...
Tourism has experienced different levels of development in the different regions of Portugal. To fra...
This article tests the relation between immigration and Portuguese bilateral trade, considering the ...
This study is designed to investigate the relationship between real income and both national and int...
This study analyzes Portuguese immigration during the period 1995-2006 and estimates the effects of ...
This study presents an empirical evaluation of the impact of tourism on the Portuguese economy. We ...
This paper analysis the determinants of international tourism demand for Romania and it quantifies t...
This paper explores the determinants of immigration to Portugal. It is the first study to empiricall...
This study considers the relationship between immigration and Portuguese tourism demand for the peri...
This study considers the relationship between immigration and Portuguese tourism demand for the peri...
Abstract. The tourism industry has expanded in recent years due to internal and external environment...
This study measures the impact of economic determinants on the international demand for tourist serv...
This article considers the determinants of Portuguese tourism demand for the period 2004-2013. The e...
The tourism industry has expanded in recent years due to internal and external environmental forces....
This study measures the impact of economic determinants on the international demand for tourist serv...
This article focuses on the importance of tourism by investigating the relationship between tourist ...
Tourism has experienced different levels of development in the different regions of Portugal. To fra...
This article tests the relation between immigration and Portuguese bilateral trade, considering the ...
This study is designed to investigate the relationship between real income and both national and int...
This study analyzes Portuguese immigration during the period 1995-2006 and estimates the effects of ...
This study presents an empirical evaluation of the impact of tourism on the Portuguese economy. We ...
This paper analysis the determinants of international tourism demand for Romania and it quantifies t...
This paper explores the determinants of immigration to Portugal. It is the first study to empiricall...