Heterogeneous multi-modal sensor fusion with hybrid attention for exercise recognition.

  • Wijekoon, Anjana
  • Wiratunga, Nirmalie
  • Cooper, Kay
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Publication date
July 2020
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


Exercise adherence is a key component of digital behaviour change interventions for the self-management of musculoskeletal pain. Automated monitoring of exercise adherence requires sensors that can capture patients performing exercises and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms that can recognise exercises. In contrast to ambulatory activities that are recognisable with a wrist accelerometer data; exercises require multiple sensor modalities because of the complexity of movements and the settings involved. Exercise Recognition (ExR) pose many challenges to ML researchers due to the heterogeneity of the sensor modalities (e.g. image/video streams, wearables, pressure mats). We recently published MEx, a benchmark dataset for ExR, to promote the stu...

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