The doping of semiconductor materials is a fundamental part of modern technology, but the classical approaches have in many cases reached their limits both in regard to achievable charge carrier density as well as mobility. Modulation doping, a mechanism that exploits the energy band alignment at an interface between two materials to induce free charge carriers in one of them, is shown to circumvent the mobility restriction. Due to an alignment of doping limits by intrinsic defects, however, the carrier density limit cannot be lifted using this approach. Here, a novel doping strategy using defects in a wide bandgap material to dope the surface of a second semiconductor layer of dissimilar nature is presented. It is shown that by depositing ...
Further advance of the microelectronic devices performance will soon require the use of a semiconduc...
Application of the field-effect transistor principle to novel materials to achieve electrostatic dop...
Carriers in a molybdenum disulfide transistor can be modulated without decreasing mobility by remote...
The doping of semiconductor materials is a fundamental part of modern technology.Transparent conduct...
The doping of semiconductor materials is a fundamental part of modern technology. Transparent conduc...
The role of defects in materials is one of the long-standingissues in solid-state chemistry and phys...
Using defect thermodynamics, we discuss physical factors that affect doping limits in semiconductors...
To maintain electron device scaling, in recent years the semiconductor industry has been forced to m...
In the past several decades, semiconductor materials have been used in a wide range of electronic de...
The transport properties of the 2D electron gas produced by modulation doping of compound semiconduc...
A modulation-doping approach to control the carrier density of the high-density electron gas at a pr...
The role of defects in materials is one of the long-standing issues in solid-state chemistry and phy...
Current electronic devices are built by employing numerous materials and a diverse array of fabricat...
The technologically useful properties of a solid often depend upon the types and concentrations of t...
© 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved. High electron affinity transition-metal oxides (TMOs) have...
Further advance of the microelectronic devices performance will soon require the use of a semiconduc...
Application of the field-effect transistor principle to novel materials to achieve electrostatic dop...
Carriers in a molybdenum disulfide transistor can be modulated without decreasing mobility by remote...
The doping of semiconductor materials is a fundamental part of modern technology.Transparent conduct...
The doping of semiconductor materials is a fundamental part of modern technology. Transparent conduc...
The role of defects in materials is one of the long-standingissues in solid-state chemistry and phys...
Using defect thermodynamics, we discuss physical factors that affect doping limits in semiconductors...
To maintain electron device scaling, in recent years the semiconductor industry has been forced to m...
In the past several decades, semiconductor materials have been used in a wide range of electronic de...
The transport properties of the 2D electron gas produced by modulation doping of compound semiconduc...
A modulation-doping approach to control the carrier density of the high-density electron gas at a pr...
The role of defects in materials is one of the long-standing issues in solid-state chemistry and phy...
Current electronic devices are built by employing numerous materials and a diverse array of fabricat...
The technologically useful properties of a solid often depend upon the types and concentrations of t...
© 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved. High electron affinity transition-metal oxides (TMOs) have...
Further advance of the microelectronic devices performance will soon require the use of a semiconduc...
Application of the field-effect transistor principle to novel materials to achieve electrostatic dop...
Carriers in a molybdenum disulfide transistor can be modulated without decreasing mobility by remote...