Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Matematika Knisley (MPMK) Dengan Metode Brainstorming Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SMP/MTs

  • Cut Dara Mustika, 140205003
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Publication date
January 2019


According to the NCTM, the ability of problem solving is one of the important capabilities which should be possessed by the students to solve various problems such as mathematical problems and those related to their daily lives. One of the learning models which is assumed to be applied to improve the ability of mathematical problem solving is Knisley mathematical learning model (MPMK) through brainstorming method. The purpose of this research is to find out the improvement of problem solving ability after knisley mathematical learning model (MPMK) through brainstorming method has been applied and to figure out the comparison of student problem solving ability applied by using Knisley mathematical learning model (MPMK) through brainstorming ...

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