Pasemah plateau in South Sumatra has a distribution of megalithic statues of various shapes. These statues depict an activity between people in a social group. Human statues differentiated by gender and age, the statues of female and male, along with the children. The difference of depictions of female and male statues are discussed from the perspective of gender. This study aims to identify and understand gender relations between female and male in Pasemah megalithic culture. Results of the research is a description of the role in social life of female and male depictions in the form of megalithic statues. This study shows the tendency of gender inequality in females role.Dataran tinggi Pasemah di Sumatra Selatan memiliki sebaran arca mega...
Abstrak: Kajian bentuk dan fungsi situs megalitik di Malang Raya membuka kemungkinan pengembangan ke...
Tradisi megalitik di Indonesia menandai lahirnya kepercayaan masyarakat prasejarah akan adanya suatu...
Based on the chronology of the development of megalithic culture in Situbondo, it can be seen that a...
Dataran tinggi Pasemah di Sumatra Selatan memiliki sebaran arca megalitik dengan berbagai bentuk. A...
 Bukit Barisan bagian selatan Sumatra, tepatnya di Lahat dan Pagaralam, Sumatra Selatan, ditemukan ...
Prehistoric relics, especially those of megalithic traditions, were found many in the plateau of Pas...
Abstrak. Studi tentang arkeologi kawasan dilandasi oleh pemikiran bahwa ruang merupakan bagian yang...
The Scattered remains of the prehistoric period in the Moluccas is patterned megalithic artifacts. S...
Abstract, Findings megalithic remains on the northern coastal regency of Jayapura are many and varie...
Batu dulang at Alang Assaude Village, Waisala District, West Seram Regency is still in-situ. in arch...
Situs megalitik, Tinggihari terletak di Kabupaten Lahat (Sumatera Selatan). Daerah ini biasa disebut...
This research explained about spread of megalithic site and its environment context at Jarai, Lahat ...
Megalithic culture that spreads in Indonesia, has a unit of time (chronology) of development between...
The life of the megalithic community carries out the tradition continuously until the influence of H...
The purpose of this study is to take an inventory of the number of archaeological remains of megalit...
Abstrak: Kajian bentuk dan fungsi situs megalitik di Malang Raya membuka kemungkinan pengembangan ke...
Tradisi megalitik di Indonesia menandai lahirnya kepercayaan masyarakat prasejarah akan adanya suatu...
Based on the chronology of the development of megalithic culture in Situbondo, it can be seen that a...
Dataran tinggi Pasemah di Sumatra Selatan memiliki sebaran arca megalitik dengan berbagai bentuk. A...
 Bukit Barisan bagian selatan Sumatra, tepatnya di Lahat dan Pagaralam, Sumatra Selatan, ditemukan ...
Prehistoric relics, especially those of megalithic traditions, were found many in the plateau of Pas...
Abstrak. Studi tentang arkeologi kawasan dilandasi oleh pemikiran bahwa ruang merupakan bagian yang...
The Scattered remains of the prehistoric period in the Moluccas is patterned megalithic artifacts. S...
Abstract, Findings megalithic remains on the northern coastal regency of Jayapura are many and varie...
Batu dulang at Alang Assaude Village, Waisala District, West Seram Regency is still in-situ. in arch...
Situs megalitik, Tinggihari terletak di Kabupaten Lahat (Sumatera Selatan). Daerah ini biasa disebut...
This research explained about spread of megalithic site and its environment context at Jarai, Lahat ...
Megalithic culture that spreads in Indonesia, has a unit of time (chronology) of development between...
The life of the megalithic community carries out the tradition continuously until the influence of H...
The purpose of this study is to take an inventory of the number of archaeological remains of megalit...
Abstrak: Kajian bentuk dan fungsi situs megalitik di Malang Raya membuka kemungkinan pengembangan ke...
Tradisi megalitik di Indonesia menandai lahirnya kepercayaan masyarakat prasejarah akan adanya suatu...
Based on the chronology of the development of megalithic culture in Situbondo, it can be seen that a...