In the early eighties, a popular prime time drama serial Zeg eens A was being broadcast in the Netherlands. Health communication professionals who saw this series regarded it as an interesting setting in which to introduce and deal with health communication messages (see for example Bouman, 1984). At that time, however, collaborating with scriptwriters of popular television programmes was a problematic issue, due to the fact that health organizations had great reservations about using a popular medium like a tabloid, a gossip magazine, a soap opera or other drama series to communicate serious health messages (Dekker, 1985 personal conversation). Apart from their unfamiliarity with popular culture, health organizations feared losing their re...
This book presents the outcome of research on conditions for development and large scale application...
Dramskome i kazališnom tekstu u radu pristupit će se iz stilističke i multimodalno-stilističke vizur...
Anchoring Roman rule: Rome-oriented festivals in the Greek world (supervisors Prof. Dr. Onno van Nij...
In the early eighties, a popular prime time drama serial Zeg eens A was being broadcast in the Nethe...
In the early eighties, a popular prime time drama serial Zeg eens A was being broadcast in the Nethe...
The theoretical and empirical scope of this study thus clarified, an outline of the chapters which f...
In the creative function of language non-truth or less-than-truth is, we have seen, a primary device...
One fifth of the complaints voiced by patients of Dutch general practitioners (GPs) consists of psyc...
This study is based on the twin exigencies of introducing the concept of abstract author into the sc...
Page 1 2018 ACUADSAustralian Council of UniversityArt + Design SchoolsPerth, Western Australia27th ...
Academisch Proefschrift. Verdedigd 9 juli 2004 aan de Open Universiteit. Promotor: Prof. dr. J. von ...
Chapter 1 of this book explains that in most cases research does not appear out of the blue. Scholar...
The processes of evaluation of environmental stimuli and decision are common in everyday life and in...
1. Decision-oriented extension research (see chapter 2)1.1 Applied and decision-oriented extension r...
Rad opisuje ulogu društvenih medija u upravljanju kriznim dogañajima u hrvatskim poslovnim organiza...
This book presents the outcome of research on conditions for development and large scale application...
Dramskome i kazališnom tekstu u radu pristupit će se iz stilističke i multimodalno-stilističke vizur...
Anchoring Roman rule: Rome-oriented festivals in the Greek world (supervisors Prof. Dr. Onno van Nij...
In the early eighties, a popular prime time drama serial Zeg eens A was being broadcast in the Nethe...
In the early eighties, a popular prime time drama serial Zeg eens A was being broadcast in the Nethe...
The theoretical and empirical scope of this study thus clarified, an outline of the chapters which f...
In the creative function of language non-truth or less-than-truth is, we have seen, a primary device...
One fifth of the complaints voiced by patients of Dutch general practitioners (GPs) consists of psyc...
This study is based on the twin exigencies of introducing the concept of abstract author into the sc...
Page 1 2018 ACUADSAustralian Council of UniversityArt + Design SchoolsPerth, Western Australia27th ...
Academisch Proefschrift. Verdedigd 9 juli 2004 aan de Open Universiteit. Promotor: Prof. dr. J. von ...
Chapter 1 of this book explains that in most cases research does not appear out of the blue. Scholar...
The processes of evaluation of environmental stimuli and decision are common in everyday life and in...
1. Decision-oriented extension research (see chapter 2)1.1 Applied and decision-oriented extension r...
Rad opisuje ulogu društvenih medija u upravljanju kriznim dogañajima u hrvatskim poslovnim organiza...
This book presents the outcome of research on conditions for development and large scale application...
Dramskome i kazališnom tekstu u radu pristupit će se iz stilističke i multimodalno-stilističke vizur...
Anchoring Roman rule: Rome-oriented festivals in the Greek world (supervisors Prof. Dr. Onno van Nij...