In 1989 Arthur conjectured a very precise description about the structure of automorphic representations of reductive groups using Arthur packets and endoscopy theory. In his recent monograph [Art13], he proved this conjecture for symplectic groups and orthogonal groups G. The results are conditional on the stabilization of twisted trace formula, which is a project in progress under Moeglin and Waldspurger (see [MW14], [Wal14a]-[Wal14e]). Our goal is to extend Arthur's result to general symplectic groups and general even orthogonal groups eG, by studying the restriction of representations from $\tilde{G}$ to G. This idea goes back to Labesse and Langlands [LL79], where they considered G to be SL(2) and $\tilde{G}$ to be GL(2).To extend Arth...