Modern processors use branch prediction to predict branch outcomes, in order to fetch ahead in the instruction stream, increasing concurrency and performance. Larger predictor tables can improve prediction accuracy, but come at the cost of larger area and longer access delay. This work introduces a new branch predictor design that increases the perceived predictor capacity without increasing its delay, by using a large virtual second-level table allocated in the second-level caches. Virtualization is applied to a state-of-the-art multi- table branch predictor. We evaluate the design using instruction count as proxy for timing on a set of commercial workloads. For a predictor whose size is determined by access delay constraints rather than ...
A larger instruction window on Out-of-Order (OoO) cores facilitates better exploitation of inherent ...
A larger instruction window on Out-of-Order (OoO) cores facilitates better exploitation of inherent ...
Branch prediction accuracy is a very important factor for superscalar processor performance. The abi...
Modern processors use branch prediction to predict branch outcomes, in order to fetch ahead in the i...
Abstract—This work introduces a new branch predictor design that increases the perceived predictor c...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
Indirect branches have become increasingly common in modular programs written in modern object-orien...
Modern microprocessors employ increasingly complicated branch predictors to achieve instruction fetc...
Modern superscalar processors rely on branch predictors to sustain a high instruction fetch throughp...
Modern superscalar processors rely on branch predictors to sustain a high instruction fetch throughp...
Modern superscalar processors rely on branch predictors to sustain a high instruction fetch throughp...
textPerformance of modern pipelined processor depends on steady flow of useful instructions for proc...
The importance of accurate branch prediction to future processors has been widely recognized. The co...
Processor architectures will increasingly rely on issuing multiple instructions to make full use of ...
A larger instruction window on Out-of-Order (OoO) cores facilitates better exploitation of inherent ...
A larger instruction window on Out-of-Order (OoO) cores facilitates better exploitation of inherent ...
Branch prediction accuracy is a very important factor for superscalar processor performance. The abi...
Modern processors use branch prediction to predict branch outcomes, in order to fetch ahead in the i...
Abstract—This work introduces a new branch predictor design that increases the perceived predictor c...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
To improve application performance, current processors rely on prediction-based hardware optimizatio...
Indirect branches have become increasingly common in modular programs written in modern object-orien...
Modern microprocessors employ increasingly complicated branch predictors to achieve instruction fetc...
Modern superscalar processors rely on branch predictors to sustain a high instruction fetch throughp...
Modern superscalar processors rely on branch predictors to sustain a high instruction fetch throughp...
Modern superscalar processors rely on branch predictors to sustain a high instruction fetch throughp...
textPerformance of modern pipelined processor depends on steady flow of useful instructions for proc...
The importance of accurate branch prediction to future processors has been widely recognized. The co...
Processor architectures will increasingly rely on issuing multiple instructions to make full use of ...
A larger instruction window on Out-of-Order (OoO) cores facilitates better exploitation of inherent ...
A larger instruction window on Out-of-Order (OoO) cores facilitates better exploitation of inherent ...
Branch prediction accuracy is a very important factor for superscalar processor performance. The abi...