CBS NEWSLETTER, No. 17, June 1993 Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, The Netherlands Code: NL93016 Size of Files: Text: 108K Graphics: Line Drawings (Gif) - 13K CONTENTS PROGRESS REPORT 1992 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1. Research 2. The collection 3. Applied Research and Services 4. Cooperation. 5. Investments. DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH TAXONOMY OF LOWER FUNGI Pythium Mortierella TAXONOMY OF YEASTS AND YEAST-LIKE FUNGI Lipomyces Galactomyces Malassezia Sequencing studies TAXONOMY OF BLACK YEASTS AND OTHER PATHOGENIC MOULDS Hortaea werneckii Exophiala dermatitidis Other black yeasts and related fungi TAXONOMY OF ASCOMYCOTA TAXONOMY OF BASIDIOMYCOTA TAXONOMY OF DEUTEROMYCOTA Coelomycetes Hyphomycetes FUNGAL ECOLOGY Thermophilic fungi Taxonom...