Selective non-catalytic oxidation of ammonium in gasification gas

  • Leppälahti, Jukka
  • Koljonen, Tiina
  • Kilpinen, Pia
  • Hupa, Mikko
Publication date
January 1994
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Decomposition of ammonia, NH3, and reaction products formed in decomposition were studied. In particular, reactions of NH3 in gas phase with addition of different oxidizers to the gas were studied. Test equipment consisted of a quartz reactor positioned in an electric oven. The synthetic mixture of the gasification gas and the oxidizers studied was fed into the reactor at atmospheric pressure. Thermal decomposition of NH3 was insignificant with no added oxidizers and the reaction time of 4 s and up to the temperature 1000 oC. However, possible impurities contained in gases cause easily catalytic deposits on reactor surfaces. These deposits may contribute to the decomposition of NH3. The NH3 content of the gas can be reduced by O2 addition. ...

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