Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi dan profil kandungan nutrient dan non-nutrien (mineral, asam lemak dan serat) pada sembilan jenis rumput laut dan beberapa kelas (alga hijau, coklat dan merah). Kandungan mineral didominasi oleh kalsium, potassium, dan sodium. Asam palmitic adalah asam lemak utama yang ditemukan pada semua contoh rumput laut, diikuti oleh asam stearic, asamoleic, dan asam linolenic. Konsentrasi asam eicosapentaenoic tertinggi ditemukan pada jenis alga merah Kappaphycus alvarezii (8,09%), sedangkan alga merah Sargassum polycystum mengandung asam arachidonic tertinggi (14,43%). Kisaran kandungan serat total, serat terlarut dan serat tidak terlarut pada contoh alga yang dianalisa berturut-turut adalah 14...
An adequate daily intake of minerals is essential for the prevention of chronic nutrition-related an...
Salah satu potensi biota laut perairan Indonesia adalah alga makro atau dikenal dalam perdagangan se...
Karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dan mineral adalah kandungan utama rumput laut selain air. Kandungan ut...
Abstract Indonesia has a potency to be the biggest producer of seaweed in the world but most of the ...
Nine species of Indonesian green, brown and red seaweeds were used in this experiment to study the ...
Seaweeds are potentials to be developed as alternative source in foods and pharmaceuticals. In this ...
Kappaphycus alvarezii is the most widely grown seaweed known by the commercial name “cottoni.” Sever...
Dietary fiber is one of the most essential food component, mainly used to maintain health andbalance...
Twenty-two tropical seaweeds from the Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta were examined for their...
Proximate analysis, fatty acid profile and mineral content were investigated in brown (Cystoseira co...
Agriculture in the 21st century faces challenges in adopting efficient and sustainable production me...
The nutritional composition of the dried seaweed Ulva lactuca from Pameungpeuk waters, including pro...
Seaweed is one of the important marine commodities and is a leading commodity. Seaweed K. alvarezii ...
Edible seaweed K. alvarezii collected from different coastal waters in Indonesia (Morowali and Teluk...
The proximate composition, vitamin C, α-tocopherol, dietary fibers, minerals, fatty acid and amino a...
An adequate daily intake of minerals is essential for the prevention of chronic nutrition-related an...
Salah satu potensi biota laut perairan Indonesia adalah alga makro atau dikenal dalam perdagangan se...
Karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dan mineral adalah kandungan utama rumput laut selain air. Kandungan ut...
Abstract Indonesia has a potency to be the biggest producer of seaweed in the world but most of the ...
Nine species of Indonesian green, brown and red seaweeds were used in this experiment to study the ...
Seaweeds are potentials to be developed as alternative source in foods and pharmaceuticals. In this ...
Kappaphycus alvarezii is the most widely grown seaweed known by the commercial name “cottoni.” Sever...
Dietary fiber is one of the most essential food component, mainly used to maintain health andbalance...
Twenty-two tropical seaweeds from the Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta were examined for their...
Proximate analysis, fatty acid profile and mineral content were investigated in brown (Cystoseira co...
Agriculture in the 21st century faces challenges in adopting efficient and sustainable production me...
The nutritional composition of the dried seaweed Ulva lactuca from Pameungpeuk waters, including pro...
Seaweed is one of the important marine commodities and is a leading commodity. Seaweed K. alvarezii ...
Edible seaweed K. alvarezii collected from different coastal waters in Indonesia (Morowali and Teluk...
The proximate composition, vitamin C, α-tocopherol, dietary fibers, minerals, fatty acid and amino a...
An adequate daily intake of minerals is essential for the prevention of chronic nutrition-related an...
Salah satu potensi biota laut perairan Indonesia adalah alga makro atau dikenal dalam perdagangan se...
Karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dan mineral adalah kandungan utama rumput laut selain air. Kandungan ut...