Mad Men (AMC 2007—), a critically acclaimed television series set in the midst of the prosperous New York advertising industry during the early to mid-1960s, often explores the psychological, romantic, and work-related implications of conflicting identities. This project focuses on how Mad Men constructs the workplace and sexual identities of two of its secondary characters, Sal Salvatore, the Italian-American and closeted homosexual Art Director of Mad Men’s fictional advertising agency, and Joan Harris, a white, heterosexual woman who heads the agency’s secretarial pool for most of the series. Both Sal and Joan experience workplace sexual propositioning from important clients during the series, but the outcomes of their individual situati...
abstract: Advertising persuades people to change some part of their life. Whether it is promoting on...
Using a feminist lens, the author argues that audiences have failed to embrace female characters on ...
As a popular contemporary text, the appeal of cable television\u27s Mad Men (AMC) lies in its capaci...
I would like to unpick one of the areas Mendelsohn holds up for criticism: the representation of wom...
This project examines the ways in which power circulates and moves in AMC\u27s show, Mad Men, using ...
Matthew Weiner´s successful American TV series, Mad Men (2007), set in the 1960s in New York, unmask...
For a show called Mad Men, much of the critical scholarship surrounding the hit AMC period drama rel...
For seven seasons, viewers worldwide watched as ad man Don Draper moved from adultery to self-discov...
The essay discusses the “artistic” potential of contemporary television dramas produced in the US, f...
Die AMC-Serie Mad Men hat für ihre Darstellung der 50er und 60er Jahre des 21. Jahrhunderts sowohl L...
Looking is a gay-themed dramedy produced by and broadcast on HBO. This thesis examines the represent...
This thesis explores enduring cultural responses to the notion of a true self through a\ud close rea...
The topic of this thesis pertains to how female characters are portrayed in the American period dram...
With its swirling cigarette smoke, martini lunches, skinny ties, and tight pencil skirts, Mad Men is...
This research interrogates how contemporary televisual narratives featuring gay male relationships h...
abstract: Advertising persuades people to change some part of their life. Whether it is promoting on...
Using a feminist lens, the author argues that audiences have failed to embrace female characters on ...
As a popular contemporary text, the appeal of cable television\u27s Mad Men (AMC) lies in its capaci...
I would like to unpick one of the areas Mendelsohn holds up for criticism: the representation of wom...
This project examines the ways in which power circulates and moves in AMC\u27s show, Mad Men, using ...
Matthew Weiner´s successful American TV series, Mad Men (2007), set in the 1960s in New York, unmask...
For a show called Mad Men, much of the critical scholarship surrounding the hit AMC period drama rel...
For seven seasons, viewers worldwide watched as ad man Don Draper moved from adultery to self-discov...
The essay discusses the “artistic” potential of contemporary television dramas produced in the US, f...
Die AMC-Serie Mad Men hat für ihre Darstellung der 50er und 60er Jahre des 21. Jahrhunderts sowohl L...
Looking is a gay-themed dramedy produced by and broadcast on HBO. This thesis examines the represent...
This thesis explores enduring cultural responses to the notion of a true self through a\ud close rea...
The topic of this thesis pertains to how female characters are portrayed in the American period dram...
With its swirling cigarette smoke, martini lunches, skinny ties, and tight pencil skirts, Mad Men is...
This research interrogates how contemporary televisual narratives featuring gay male relationships h...
abstract: Advertising persuades people to change some part of their life. Whether it is promoting on...
Using a feminist lens, the author argues that audiences have failed to embrace female characters on ...
As a popular contemporary text, the appeal of cable television\u27s Mad Men (AMC) lies in its capaci...