This dissertation concerns fundamental performance limitation in control of nonlinear systems. It consists of three coherent, closely related studies where the unifying theme is the use of information theoretic tools to investigate modeling and control issues in dynamical systems. The ???rst study focuses on entropy based fundamental limitation results for the nonlinear disturbance rejection prob- lem. The starting point of our analysis is the so-called Kolmogorov-Bode formula for linear dynamics, which relates the fundamental limitation to certain entropy rates of the input/output signals. We propose a hidden Markov model(HMM) framework for the closed-loop system, under which the entropy rate calculations become straight forward. Explic...
In the first chapter, two general classes of optimization problems are discussed. The application of...
We show that adaptation and control of the target system can be achieved by linking the modification...
Complex nonlinear turbulent dynamical systems are ubiquitous in many areas. Quantifying the model er...
This dissertation concerns fundamental performance limitation in control of nonlinear systems. It co...
Recent progress in communication technologies and their use in feedback control systems motivate to ...
General purpose models of dynamical systems are based on extracting important information regarding ...
In the present thesis, we are concerned with reliable data reconstruction and stability of dynamical...
This thesis deals with the robust control of nonlinear systems subject to persistent bounded non-add...
1979 / 1. szám Krasovskii, N. N. - Chentsov, A. G.: On designing differential games, II ...
Summarization: The problem of stochastic stability of continuous dynamic systems is examined from th...
In this paper, an information theoretic approach is applied to analyze the performance of a decentra...
Given the objective of estimating the unknown parameters of a possibly nonlinear dynamic model using...
The paper deals with the state estimation problem for nonlinear dynamical systems via communication ...
The aim of this thesis is to investigate nonlinear dynamical systems that exist in various fields su...
The paper deals with the state estimation problem for nonlinear dynamical systems via communication ...
In the first chapter, two general classes of optimization problems are discussed. The application of...
We show that adaptation and control of the target system can be achieved by linking the modification...
Complex nonlinear turbulent dynamical systems are ubiquitous in many areas. Quantifying the model er...
This dissertation concerns fundamental performance limitation in control of nonlinear systems. It co...
Recent progress in communication technologies and their use in feedback control systems motivate to ...
General purpose models of dynamical systems are based on extracting important information regarding ...
In the present thesis, we are concerned with reliable data reconstruction and stability of dynamical...
This thesis deals with the robust control of nonlinear systems subject to persistent bounded non-add...
1979 / 1. szám Krasovskii, N. N. - Chentsov, A. G.: On designing differential games, II ...
Summarization: The problem of stochastic stability of continuous dynamic systems is examined from th...
In this paper, an information theoretic approach is applied to analyze the performance of a decentra...
Given the objective of estimating the unknown parameters of a possibly nonlinear dynamic model using...
The paper deals with the state estimation problem for nonlinear dynamical systems via communication ...
The aim of this thesis is to investigate nonlinear dynamical systems that exist in various fields su...
The paper deals with the state estimation problem for nonlinear dynamical systems via communication ...
In the first chapter, two general classes of optimization problems are discussed. The application of...
We show that adaptation and control of the target system can be achieved by linking the modification...
Complex nonlinear turbulent dynamical systems are ubiquitous in many areas. Quantifying the model er...