An automated technique to translate conditional rewrite rules into unconditional ones is presented, which is suitable to implement, or compile, conditional rewriting on top of much simpler and easier to optimize unconditional rewrite systems. An experiment performed on world's fastest conditional rewriting engines shows that speedups for conditional rewriting of an order of magnitude can already be obtained by applying the presented technique as a front-end transformation
AbstractConditional equations provide a paradigm of computation that combines the clean syntax and s...
Conditional rewriting and priority rewriting are two recent generalizations of term rewriting system...
. The paper shows how term rewriting techniques can be used to automatically transform first-order f...
Abstract. An automated technique to translate conditional rewrite rules into unconditional ones is p...
An automatic and easy to implement transformation of conditional term rewrite systems into computati...
An automatic and easy to implement transformation of conditional term rewrite systems into computati...
Conditional rewrite rules are notorious for being difficult to implement in rewrite engines. This is...
We present a transformation from any conditional rewrite systems into non conditional ones and prov...
An efficient optimizing compiler can perform many cascading rewrites in a single pass, using auxilia...
AbstractWe formally define and prove the correctness of a transformation from conditional rewrite sy...
textabstractIn this paper a translation from a subclass of logic programs consisting of the simply m...
Contribution a : Proceedings workshop on Boolean functions, propostional logic and AI systems, Ulm (...
Conditional rewriting is universally recognized as being much more complicated than unconditional re...
We propose Conditional Set Rewriting as a general mechanism for describing the syntax of multidimens...
AbstractSystem S is a calculus providing the basic abstractions of term rewriting: matching and buil...
AbstractConditional equations provide a paradigm of computation that combines the clean syntax and s...
Conditional rewriting and priority rewriting are two recent generalizations of term rewriting system...
. The paper shows how term rewriting techniques can be used to automatically transform first-order f...
Abstract. An automated technique to translate conditional rewrite rules into unconditional ones is p...
An automatic and easy to implement transformation of conditional term rewrite systems into computati...
An automatic and easy to implement transformation of conditional term rewrite systems into computati...
Conditional rewrite rules are notorious for being difficult to implement in rewrite engines. This is...
We present a transformation from any conditional rewrite systems into non conditional ones and prov...
An efficient optimizing compiler can perform many cascading rewrites in a single pass, using auxilia...
AbstractWe formally define and prove the correctness of a transformation from conditional rewrite sy...
textabstractIn this paper a translation from a subclass of logic programs consisting of the simply m...
Contribution a : Proceedings workshop on Boolean functions, propostional logic and AI systems, Ulm (...
Conditional rewriting is universally recognized as being much more complicated than unconditional re...
We propose Conditional Set Rewriting as a general mechanism for describing the syntax of multidimens...
AbstractSystem S is a calculus providing the basic abstractions of term rewriting: matching and buil...
AbstractConditional equations provide a paradigm of computation that combines the clean syntax and s...
Conditional rewriting and priority rewriting are two recent generalizations of term rewriting system...
. The paper shows how term rewriting techniques can be used to automatically transform first-order f...