Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) plays a major role in ensuring the safe and reliable operation of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) which are the mainstays of the nuclear power programme in India. This paper discusses the significant developments made over the last two decades which have contributed towards establishing novel methodologies and techniques for In-service Inspection (ISI). The techniques covered are broadly divided into two classes viz. (a) magnetic and electromagnetic, (b) acoustic techniques. Techniques discussed under the first category include eddy current testing (along with the various developments linked with it such as the remote field eddy current testing, eddy current imaging and the phased array eddy current ...
This webpage from Ohio State University provides information about nondestructive evaluation (NDE) t...
The paper gives inspection and maintenance practices being followed in an important Tube manufactu...
This dissertation covers the basic principles and methodologies of some nondestructive testing techn...
India is pursuing research and development in various aspects of NDT including in service inspection...
Ultrasonic Testing plays an important role during in-service inspection of nuclear plants. It is pri...
In this paper, research and developmental efforts that demonstrate high sensitivity detection and ch...
In Germany some older nuclear power plants are close to their designed end-of-life. Under the aspect...
The needs for development of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques and equipment were surveyed and...
The current dynamic process in computing, microelectronics, smart sensors and automation provide NDT...
Ultrasonic inspection is one of the most promising nondestructive testing methods applied during man...
A variety of nondestructive examination techniques have been and are being developed at ORNL with po...
For inside inspection of tubes, eddy current testing (ET) and internal rotating ultrasonic inspectio...
Manufacturing defects and discontinuities in a product are anomalies which can lead to severe damage...
Manufacturing defects and discontinuities in a product are anomalies which can lead to severe damage...
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is based on inspection methodologies that do not require the change or...
This webpage from Ohio State University provides information about nondestructive evaluation (NDE) t...
The paper gives inspection and maintenance practices being followed in an important Tube manufactu...
This dissertation covers the basic principles and methodologies of some nondestructive testing techn...
India is pursuing research and development in various aspects of NDT including in service inspection...
Ultrasonic Testing plays an important role during in-service inspection of nuclear plants. It is pri...
In this paper, research and developmental efforts that demonstrate high sensitivity detection and ch...
In Germany some older nuclear power plants are close to their designed end-of-life. Under the aspect...
The needs for development of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques and equipment were surveyed and...
The current dynamic process in computing, microelectronics, smart sensors and automation provide NDT...
Ultrasonic inspection is one of the most promising nondestructive testing methods applied during man...
A variety of nondestructive examination techniques have been and are being developed at ORNL with po...
For inside inspection of tubes, eddy current testing (ET) and internal rotating ultrasonic inspectio...
Manufacturing defects and discontinuities in a product are anomalies which can lead to severe damage...
Manufacturing defects and discontinuities in a product are anomalies which can lead to severe damage...
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is based on inspection methodologies that do not require the change or...
This webpage from Ohio State University provides information about nondestructive evaluation (NDE) t...
The paper gives inspection and maintenance practices being followed in an important Tube manufactu...
This dissertation covers the basic principles and methodologies of some nondestructive testing techn...