We consider the partial database search problem where given a quantum database {0, 1}n→ƒ {0, 1} with the condition that ƒ(x) = 1 for a unique x ∈ {0, 1}n, we are required to determine only the first k bits of the address x. We derive an algorithm and a lower bound for this problem. Let q(k, n) be the minimum number of queries needed to find the first k bits of the required address x with certainty (or with very high probability, say 1-O(N-¼). We show that there exist constants ck (corresponding to the algorithm) and dk (corresponding to the lower bound) such that π/4(1-dk/√K) √N ≤ q(k, n) ≤ π/4 (1-ck/√K) √N, where K = 2k and N = 2n. Our algorithm returns the correct answer with probability 1- O(1/√N), and can be easily modified to give the ...