Let C=(c<SUB>ij</SUB>) be an m ×n matrix with real entries. Let b be any nonzero m-vector. Let K = {ΠCΠ = b, Π ≥ 0} be bounded. Let x = (x<SUB>1</SUB>, x<SUB>2</SUB>,...,x<SUB>n</SUB>), y = (y<SUB>1</SUB>, y<SUB>2</SUB>,...,y<SUB>n</SUB>) be two nonnegative vectors with y ∈ K and x<SUB>j</SUB> = 0 ⇔ y<SUB>j</SUB> = 0 for any coordinate j. Then it is shown that there exists a Π ∈ K and positive numbers z<SUB>1</SUB>, z<SUB>2</SUB>,..., z<SUB>m</SUB> such that π<SUB>j</SUB> = xj∈mi = 1 zciji for all j. Th theorem slightly generalizes a theorem of Darroch and Ratcliff in loglinear models with a completely different proof technique. The proof relies on an extension of a topological theorem of Kronecker to set valued maps and the duality theorem...