Experiments in the quartz-saturated part of the system KFMASH under fO2 conditions of the haematite-magnetite buffer and using bulk compositions with XMg of 0.81, 0.72, 0.53 define the stability limits of several mineral assemblages within the P-T field 9-12 kbar, 850-1100°C. The stability limits of the mineral assemblages orthopyroxene + spinel + cordierite±sapphirine, orthopyroxene + garnet + sapphirine, sapphirine + cordierite + orthopyroxene and garnet + orthopyroxene + spinel have been delineated on the basis of P-T and T-X pseudosections. Sapphirine did not appear in the bulk composition of XMg=0.53. A partial petrogenetic grid applicable to high Mg-Al granulites metamorphosed at high fO2, developed in our earlier work, was ...
Petrogenetic grids in the KFMASH and KMnFMASH model systems calculated with the software THERMOCALC ...
Silica-undersaturated, sapphirine-bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide...
The phase lelations in the system of Mg-rich garnet composition (P_1p_Alm_) were investigated using ...
Granulite facies magnesian metapelites commonly preserve a wide array of mineral assemblages and rea...
Spinel-quartz-cordierite and spinel-quartz are found as relic prograde assemblages in Fe-rich granul...
The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comGranulite facies magnesian metapelit...
Melt generation during pranulite-grade metamorphism is believed to be controlled by the stability te...
Silica-undersaturated, sapphirine-bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide...
Highly aluminous orthopyroxene, coexisting with sapphirine, cordierite, sillimanite, quartz and garn...
Cordierite-orthoamphibole gneisses and rocks of similar composition commonly contain low-variance mi...
Spinel granulites, with or without sapphirine, occur as lenses in garnetiferous quartzofeldspathic g...
Reaction textures and chemographic relations in sapphirine-bearing basic granulites at Finero, Italy...
Sapphirine, coexisting with quartz, is an indicator mineral for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism i...
Sapphirine, coexisting with quartz, is an indicator mineral for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism i...
Experiments were carried out in the quartz-saturated part of the system KFMASH at hematite-magnetite...
Petrogenetic grids in the KFMASH and KMnFMASH model systems calculated with the software THERMOCALC ...
Silica-undersaturated, sapphirine-bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide...
The phase lelations in the system of Mg-rich garnet composition (P_1p_Alm_) were investigated using ...
Granulite facies magnesian metapelites commonly preserve a wide array of mineral assemblages and rea...
Spinel-quartz-cordierite and spinel-quartz are found as relic prograde assemblages in Fe-rich granul...
The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comGranulite facies magnesian metapelit...
Melt generation during pranulite-grade metamorphism is believed to be controlled by the stability te...
Silica-undersaturated, sapphirine-bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide...
Highly aluminous orthopyroxene, coexisting with sapphirine, cordierite, sillimanite, quartz and garn...
Cordierite-orthoamphibole gneisses and rocks of similar composition commonly contain low-variance mi...
Spinel granulites, with or without sapphirine, occur as lenses in garnetiferous quartzofeldspathic g...
Reaction textures and chemographic relations in sapphirine-bearing basic granulites at Finero, Italy...
Sapphirine, coexisting with quartz, is an indicator mineral for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism i...
Sapphirine, coexisting with quartz, is an indicator mineral for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism i...
Experiments were carried out in the quartz-saturated part of the system KFMASH at hematite-magnetite...
Petrogenetic grids in the KFMASH and KMnFMASH model systems calculated with the software THERMOCALC ...
Silica-undersaturated, sapphirine-bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide...
The phase lelations in the system of Mg-rich garnet composition (P_1p_Alm_) were investigated using ...