The folded tandem ion accelerator (FOTIA) facility set up at BARC has become operational. At present, it is used for elemental analysis studies using the Rutherford backscattering technique. The beams of 1H, 7Li, 12C, 16O and 19F have been accelerated up to terminal voltages of about 3 MV and are available for experiments. The terminal voltage is stable within ±2 kV. In this paper, present status of the FOTIA and future plans are discussed
The 11th International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams was...
Four beam lines were constructed for the 6MV tandem accelerator at Peking University. Various ions s...
The VINCY Cyclotron (VINca CYclotron) is a multipurpose machine intended to accelerate light as well...
The Foloed Tandem [on Acce/eeator (FOnA) facmty has been commissioned recentlyat BARe. Several beams...
The first beam of post-accelerated radioactive ions was realized in 1989 at the Louvain-la-Neuve res...
Applied nuclear physics is an essential part of the research activity at many particle accelerators....
25-28Mass analyzed ion beams of various energies have played an essential part in almost all aspect...
The Accelerator Division was formed as a separate division of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 19...
The Bucharest FN Tandem Accelerator was put in operation in 1973 and upgraded a first time in 1983 t...
The VINCY Cyclotron is the main part of the TESLA Accelerator Installation. The diameter of the pole...
New accelerators like SPIRAL2 (GANIL, France) or FAIR (GSI, Germany) will be soon constructed, and ...
ACC, NESTERThe Orsay Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator, manufactured by high Voltage Engineering Corp...
At BARC, development of a Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator (LEHIPA), as front-end inject...
The Holifield Facility 25URC tandem accelerator will begin accelerating radioactive ion beams (RIBs)...
In Technical Research Center of Finland a NEC Pelletron 5SDH-2 particle accelerator from the NEC com...
The 11th International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams was...
Four beam lines were constructed for the 6MV tandem accelerator at Peking University. Various ions s...
The VINCY Cyclotron (VINca CYclotron) is a multipurpose machine intended to accelerate light as well...
The Foloed Tandem [on Acce/eeator (FOnA) facmty has been commissioned recentlyat BARe. Several beams...
The first beam of post-accelerated radioactive ions was realized in 1989 at the Louvain-la-Neuve res...
Applied nuclear physics is an essential part of the research activity at many particle accelerators....
25-28Mass analyzed ion beams of various energies have played an essential part in almost all aspect...
The Accelerator Division was formed as a separate division of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 19...
The Bucharest FN Tandem Accelerator was put in operation in 1973 and upgraded a first time in 1983 t...
The VINCY Cyclotron is the main part of the TESLA Accelerator Installation. The diameter of the pole...
New accelerators like SPIRAL2 (GANIL, France) or FAIR (GSI, Germany) will be soon constructed, and ...
ACC, NESTERThe Orsay Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator, manufactured by high Voltage Engineering Corp...
At BARC, development of a Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator (LEHIPA), as front-end inject...
The Holifield Facility 25URC tandem accelerator will begin accelerating radioactive ion beams (RIBs)...
In Technical Research Center of Finland a NEC Pelletron 5SDH-2 particle accelerator from the NEC com...
The 11th International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams was...
Four beam lines were constructed for the 6MV tandem accelerator at Peking University. Various ions s...
The VINCY Cyclotron (VINca CYclotron) is a multipurpose machine intended to accelerate light as well...