Let M be a compact connected Kahler manifold and G a connected linear algebraic group defined over . A Higgs field on a holomorphic principal G-bundle ε<SUB>G</SUB> over M is a holomorphic section θ of ad(ε<SUB>G</SUB>)⊗Ω<SUP>1</SUP><SUB>M</SUB> such that θ∧ θ = 0. Let L(G) be the Levi quotient of G and (ε<SUB>G</SUB> (L(G)), θ<SUB>l</SUB> ) the Higgs L(G)-bundle associated with (ε<SUB>G</SUB> , θ). The Higgs bundle (ε<SUB>G</SUB> , θ) will be called semistable (respectively, stable) if (ε<SUB>G</SUB> (L(G)), θ l ) is semistable (respectively, stable). A semistable Higgs G-bundle (εG , θ) will be called pseudostable if the adjoint vector bundle ad(&#...