Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek minyak jintan hitam (Nigella sativa L.) terhadap spermatogenesis tikus Wistar yang terpapar asap rokok. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental murni dengan subyek 24 ekor tikus yang terpapar asap rokok selama 21 hari dan dirandomisasi dalam 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian minyak jintan masing-masing 0,1; 0,2; dan 0,3 ml. Penegakan hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Krusskal-Wallis dan Mann Whitney dengan batas derajat kemaknaan P≤0,05, interval kepercayaan 95%. Pemberian minyak jintan hitam dapat memperbaiki derajat spermatogenesis
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui gambaran histologi sel-sel spermatogenik tubu...
Free radicals of the cigarette smoke can decrease the male fertility. In present study, Morinda citr...
The purpose of this research is to know more about the influence of cigarette’s smoke to the quantit...
: Continuous exposure to cigarette smoke has been reported as the number one cause of infertility in...
Minyak jintan hitam (Nigella Sativa) telah banyak beredar di kalangan masyarakat sebagai herbal medi...
ABSTRAK Sulistiyowati, Ayu. 2014. Pengaruh Jintan Hitam (Nigella Sativa) Terhadap Motilitas Dan Kons...
produksi ROS yang dapat mempengaruhi sistem reproduksi. Ekstrak jintan hitam (Nigella sativa) menga...
ABSTRAK Eliyaningsih, Novi Dwi. 2014.Potensi Minyak Jintan Hitam (Nigella Sativa)Terhadap Kualitas...
: Background: Cigarettes contain Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrogen and nicotine which can interfere with...
Background : Nigella sativa oil has anti-hyperglycaemic and antioxidant activity, which are possibl...
Nigella sativa oil is antioxidant compound has the effect that serves to prevent cellular damage. Th...
INDONESIA: Pb asetat merupakan salah satu sumber ROS yang dapat mengakibatkan peroksidasi lipid d...
: Cigarettes are composed of hazardous chemicals such as nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide (CO) to n...
The effect of cigarette smoke can spoil sperm viability and spermatogenesis. It can causehormonal co...
The purpose of this research is to know more about the influence of cigarette\u27s smoke to the quan...
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui gambaran histologi sel-sel spermatogenik tubu...
Free radicals of the cigarette smoke can decrease the male fertility. In present study, Morinda citr...
The purpose of this research is to know more about the influence of cigarette’s smoke to the quantit...
: Continuous exposure to cigarette smoke has been reported as the number one cause of infertility in...
Minyak jintan hitam (Nigella Sativa) telah banyak beredar di kalangan masyarakat sebagai herbal medi...
ABSTRAK Sulistiyowati, Ayu. 2014. Pengaruh Jintan Hitam (Nigella Sativa) Terhadap Motilitas Dan Kons...
produksi ROS yang dapat mempengaruhi sistem reproduksi. Ekstrak jintan hitam (Nigella sativa) menga...
ABSTRAK Eliyaningsih, Novi Dwi. 2014.Potensi Minyak Jintan Hitam (Nigella Sativa)Terhadap Kualitas...
: Background: Cigarettes contain Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrogen and nicotine which can interfere with...
Background : Nigella sativa oil has anti-hyperglycaemic and antioxidant activity, which are possibl...
Nigella sativa oil is antioxidant compound has the effect that serves to prevent cellular damage. Th...
INDONESIA: Pb asetat merupakan salah satu sumber ROS yang dapat mengakibatkan peroksidasi lipid d...
: Cigarettes are composed of hazardous chemicals such as nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide (CO) to n...
The effect of cigarette smoke can spoil sperm viability and spermatogenesis. It can causehormonal co...
The purpose of this research is to know more about the influence of cigarette\u27s smoke to the quan...
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui gambaran histologi sel-sel spermatogenik tubu...
Free radicals of the cigarette smoke can decrease the male fertility. In present study, Morinda citr...
The purpose of this research is to know more about the influence of cigarette’s smoke to the quantit...