© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This article presents a converged 5G network infrastructure and an overarching architecture to jointly support operational network and end-user services, proposed by the EU 5G PPP project 5G-XHaul. The 5G-XHaul infrastructure adopts a common fronthaul/backhaul network solution, deploying a wealth of wireless technologies and a hybrid active/passive optical transport...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
This article presents a converged 5G network infrastructure and an overarching architecture to joint...
The common European Information and Communications Technology sector vision for 5G is that it should...
We propose an optical-wireless 5G infrastructure offering converged fronthauling/backhauling functio...
The telecommunication community has reached a broad consensus that current RAN and underlying transp...
We propose an optical-wireless 5G infrastructure offering converged fronthauling/backhauling functio...
The Xhaul architecture presented in this article is aimed at developing a 5G integrated backhaul and...
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Gutiérrez-Terán, J., Maletic, N., Ca...
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Gutiérrez-Terán, J., Maletic, N., Ca...
This paper presents the vision of the 5G STEP-FWD project, funded by the European Commission, with t...
The Xhaul architecture presented in this article is aimed at developing a 5G integrated backhaul and...
The 5th generation of mobile networks (5G) will enable access to information anywhere and anytime to...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
This article presents a converged 5G network infrastructure and an overarching architecture to joint...
The common European Information and Communications Technology sector vision for 5G is that it should...
We propose an optical-wireless 5G infrastructure offering converged fronthauling/backhauling functio...
The telecommunication community has reached a broad consensus that current RAN and underlying transp...
We propose an optical-wireless 5G infrastructure offering converged fronthauling/backhauling functio...
The Xhaul architecture presented in this article is aimed at developing a 5G integrated backhaul and...
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Gutiérrez-Terán, J., Maletic, N., Ca...
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Gutiérrez-Terán, J., Maletic, N., Ca...
This paper presents the vision of the 5G STEP-FWD project, funded by the European Commission, with t...
The Xhaul architecture presented in this article is aimed at developing a 5G integrated backhaul and...
The 5th generation of mobile networks (5G) will enable access to information anywhere and anytime to...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...
The fifth generation (5G) mobile systems can be considered the way to ubiquitous Internet, pervasive...