High-performance microprocessors are currently designed with the purpose of exploiting instruction level parallelism (ILP). The techniques used in their design and the aggressive scheduling techniques used to exploit this ILP tend to increase the register requirements of the loops. This paper reviews hardware and software techniques that alleviate the high register demands of aggressive scheduling heuristics on VLIW cores. From the software point of view, instruction scheduling can stretch lifetimes and reduce the register pressure. If more registers than those available in the architecture are required, some actions (such as the injection of spill code) have to be applied to reduce this pressure, at the expense of some performance degradat...
Abstract In this paper we describe load scheduling, a novel method that balances load among register...
Clustering has become a common trend in very long instruction words (VLIW) architecture to solve the...
Clustered VLIW architectures solve the scalability problem associated with flat VLIW architectures b...
High-performance microprocessors are currently designed with the purpose of exploiting instruction l...
VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) processors issue and execute multiple operations in parallel, on d...
Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in futur...
Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in futur...
Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in futur...
Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureInstruction-level parallelism (ILP) is a set of hardware...
Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them...
Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them...
Clustering is a common technique to overcome the wire delay problem incurred by the evolution of tec...
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original ...
Clustering is a common technique to overcome the wire delay problem incurred by the evolution of tec...
Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them...
Abstract In this paper we describe load scheduling, a novel method that balances load among register...
Clustering has become a common trend in very long instruction words (VLIW) architecture to solve the...
Clustered VLIW architectures solve the scalability problem associated with flat VLIW architectures b...
High-performance microprocessors are currently designed with the purpose of exploiting instruction l...
VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) processors issue and execute multiple operations in parallel, on d...
Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in futur...
Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in futur...
Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in futur...
Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureInstruction-level parallelism (ILP) is a set of hardware...
Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them...
Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them...
Clustering is a common technique to overcome the wire delay problem incurred by the evolution of tec...
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original ...
Clustering is a common technique to overcome the wire delay problem incurred by the evolution of tec...
Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them...
Abstract In this paper we describe load scheduling, a novel method that balances load among register...
Clustering has become a common trend in very long instruction words (VLIW) architecture to solve the...
Clustered VLIW architectures solve the scalability problem associated with flat VLIW architectures b...