High-frequency semiconductor devices are key components for advanced power electronic system that require fast switching speed. Power Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is the most famous electronic device that are used in much power electronic system. However, the application such as space borne, military and communication system needs Power MOSFET to withstand in radiation environments. This is very challenging for the engineer to develop a device that continuously operated without changing its electrical behavior due to radiation. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate the Single Event Effect (SEE) sensitivity by using Heavy Ion Radiation on the commercial Power MOSFET. A simulation study us...
150 V SOI lateral power MOSFETs were designed and fabricated with features intended to provide hardn...
As an emerging technology, silicon carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs are showing great potential for highe...
This paper discusses the total ionizing effects on Silicon Power MOSFET and Silicon Carbide Power MO...
High-frequency semiconductor devices are key components for advanced power electronic system that re...
High-frequency semiconductor devices are key components for advanced power electronic syste...
The rapid growth of the advanced technologies in power electronics system gives a challenge to the e...
The rapid growth of the advanced technologies in power electronics system gives a challenge to the e...
Almost every space mission uses vertical power metal-semiconductor-oxide field-effect transistors (M...
abstract: In recent years, the Silicon Super-Junction (SJ) power metal-oxide semiconductor field-eff...
The underlying physical mechanisms of destructive single event effects (SEE) from heavy ion radiatio...
Power electronic devices in spacecraft and military applications requires high radiation tolerant. T...
This thesis work presents the numerical device analysis of ionizing radiation induced single-event ...
The paper presents the results of simulation of the impacts of a heavy charged particle with a value...
Single-event effect (SEE) test results are presented for commercial grade, automotive grade, and rad...
150 V SOI lateral power MOSFETs were designed and fabricated with features intended to provide hardn...
150 V SOI lateral power MOSFETs were designed and fabricated with features intended to provide hardn...
As an emerging technology, silicon carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs are showing great potential for highe...
This paper discusses the total ionizing effects on Silicon Power MOSFET and Silicon Carbide Power MO...
High-frequency semiconductor devices are key components for advanced power electronic system that re...
High-frequency semiconductor devices are key components for advanced power electronic syste...
The rapid growth of the advanced technologies in power electronics system gives a challenge to the e...
The rapid growth of the advanced technologies in power electronics system gives a challenge to the e...
Almost every space mission uses vertical power metal-semiconductor-oxide field-effect transistors (M...
abstract: In recent years, the Silicon Super-Junction (SJ) power metal-oxide semiconductor field-eff...
The underlying physical mechanisms of destructive single event effects (SEE) from heavy ion radiatio...
Power electronic devices in spacecraft and military applications requires high radiation tolerant. T...
This thesis work presents the numerical device analysis of ionizing radiation induced single-event ...
The paper presents the results of simulation of the impacts of a heavy charged particle with a value...
Single-event effect (SEE) test results are presented for commercial grade, automotive grade, and rad...
150 V SOI lateral power MOSFETs were designed and fabricated with features intended to provide hardn...
150 V SOI lateral power MOSFETs were designed and fabricated with features intended to provide hardn...
As an emerging technology, silicon carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs are showing great potential for highe...
This paper discusses the total ionizing effects on Silicon Power MOSFET and Silicon Carbide Power MO...