Diálogo Científico : EPrints como um ambiente virtual aberto da comunicação científica

  • Viana, Cassandra Lúcia de Maya
  • Márdero Arellano, Miguel Ángel
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Publication date
January 2006
Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da Região do Pantanal – UNIDERP


Open source EPrints software, primarily devoted to development of thematic digital repositories, enhances researchers’ communication within scientific environment. It has been translated and customized by the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (IBICT). Version 1.0 of the Diálogo Científico, has been implemented for Library and Information Sciences’ documents and has been shared with academic and research institutions all over Brazil. Technical and management specifications are presented together with the new functionalities designed for this second version. The new feature aims to provide a better graphical user interface; and the application of a portuguese (Brazilian) version of JITA classification scheme, with ...

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