Perbedaan yang terlihat secara fisik antara manusia yang satu dan lainnya menimbulkan isu tentang ras dan konsep yang tercipta karena ras adalah rasisme. Salah satu isu yang terkait dengan rasisme adalah kehidupan penduduk Afrika sebagai budak dan menjadi kaum minoritas di negara Amerika Serikat. Penulis ingin mengetahui suara dari kaum Afrika-Amerika yang tercermin dalam puisi Maya Angelou. Penulis memilih puisi dai Maya Angelou karena beliau berasal dari kaum Afrika-Amerika yang memberi inspirasi bagi banyak orang melalui karyanya. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana Maya Angelou mencerminkan suara dari kaum Afrika-Amerika dalam puisinya yang berjudul; Alone, Still I Rise, Caged Bird, dan Equality? Teori dari Goldmann y...
The aim of this article is to discover unnoted experiences of African-American women by taking Angel...
Karya sasta merupakan salah satu media tulis yang dapat menjadi wadah mengekspresikan ide, pemikiran...
This article focuses on the marginalized woman Maya Angelou with special reference set in her memoir...
Keywords: The Sounds of African-American, Genetic Structuralism, MayaAngelouThe differences among hu...
Penelitian ini fokus pada analisis imagery yang berhubungan dengan diskriminasi ras pada puisi Maya ...
This study intends to discuss the racial prejudice in America towards black race which is reflected ...
Angelou has been a prolific poet, and has published several volumes of poetry. She has experienced s...
African American literature is the literature of pain and survival, of triumphs and defeats, of fear...
The objectives of this study are to reveal the spirit of persistence portrayed in two poems, Still I...
Maya Angelou is a writer and poet who cares and wants to raise the degree of black women. It is port...
African American music covers wide ranges of music and musical genres largely developed by African A...
This work focuses on the struggle for Black identity formation by African-Americas which has always ...
At the height of the ‘global 1960s’, hundreds of African Americans moved to Africa in search of a re...
The analysis in this study focuses on the struggle of black women that represent in the poems. Then ...
The major problem of this research is racism reflected in Maya Angelou's poems. The aim of this rese...
The aim of this article is to discover unnoted experiences of African-American women by taking Angel...
Karya sasta merupakan salah satu media tulis yang dapat menjadi wadah mengekspresikan ide, pemikiran...
This article focuses on the marginalized woman Maya Angelou with special reference set in her memoir...
Keywords: The Sounds of African-American, Genetic Structuralism, MayaAngelouThe differences among hu...
Penelitian ini fokus pada analisis imagery yang berhubungan dengan diskriminasi ras pada puisi Maya ...
This study intends to discuss the racial prejudice in America towards black race which is reflected ...
Angelou has been a prolific poet, and has published several volumes of poetry. She has experienced s...
African American literature is the literature of pain and survival, of triumphs and defeats, of fear...
The objectives of this study are to reveal the spirit of persistence portrayed in two poems, Still I...
Maya Angelou is a writer and poet who cares and wants to raise the degree of black women. It is port...
African American music covers wide ranges of music and musical genres largely developed by African A...
This work focuses on the struggle for Black identity formation by African-Americas which has always ...
At the height of the ‘global 1960s’, hundreds of African Americans moved to Africa in search of a re...
The analysis in this study focuses on the struggle of black women that represent in the poems. Then ...
The major problem of this research is racism reflected in Maya Angelou's poems. The aim of this rese...
The aim of this article is to discover unnoted experiences of African-American women by taking Angel...
Karya sasta merupakan salah satu media tulis yang dapat menjadi wadah mengekspresikan ide, pemikiran...
This article focuses on the marginalized woman Maya Angelou with special reference set in her memoir...