Market overreaction merupakan sebuah anomali dimana investor bereaksi berlebihan terhadap suatu informasi. Fenomena market overreaction ini biasanya diikuti dengan pergerakan harga dengan arah sebaliknya atau yang lebih sering disebut dengan price reversal. Price reversal adalah suatu keadaan dimana saham-saham yang memberi tingkat pengembalian rendah (loser), pada periode berikutnya memberi tingkat pengembalian yang tinggi, dan saham-saham yang awalnya memberikan tingkat pengembalian tinggi (winner), pada periode berikutnya akan memberikan tingkat pengembalian yang rendah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah terjadi gejala market overreaction yang disebabkan oleh peristiwa Pemilu Amerika Serikat 2016 dan terpilihnya Don...
ABSTRACTThis research aims to investigate the overreaction occurrence in Average Cumulative Abnormal...
Winner-loser anomaly explained that the shares are initially generate extreme positive abnormalretur...
This study aims to analyze the occurrence of market overreaction in the loser stock group and the wi...
This study aims to determine the differences in actual return before and after the 2019 Indonesian P...
This study is an event study that aims to find empirical evidence whether or not the reaction of the...
The purpose of this research is to determine abnormal return which effected after announcement of Do...
Keinginan yang kuat dari para investor akan return yang tinggi membuat investor mencari informasi t...
Penelitian ini menguji return saham yang mengikuti satu hari Perubahan besar hargasaham di Bursa Efe...
Abstract — In this event study we analyse CAR (cumulative abnormal return) difference from each busi...
This study aims to determine whether there is market overreaction on the Indonesia Stock Exchange du...
This study aims to analyze whether market overreaction symptoms occur in Indonesia Stock Exchange, s...
This study aims to find difference between cumulative average abnormal return of winner stock and lo...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah telah terjadi market overreaction pada perusahaan y...
This research can give due consideration to investor in making an investment decision in order not r...
The fluctuation of of stock prices, in many occassions, are related to so called market anomalies. O...
ABSTRACTThis research aims to investigate the overreaction occurrence in Average Cumulative Abnormal...
Winner-loser anomaly explained that the shares are initially generate extreme positive abnormalretur...
This study aims to analyze the occurrence of market overreaction in the loser stock group and the wi...
This study aims to determine the differences in actual return before and after the 2019 Indonesian P...
This study is an event study that aims to find empirical evidence whether or not the reaction of the...
The purpose of this research is to determine abnormal return which effected after announcement of Do...
Keinginan yang kuat dari para investor akan return yang tinggi membuat investor mencari informasi t...
Penelitian ini menguji return saham yang mengikuti satu hari Perubahan besar hargasaham di Bursa Efe...
Abstract — In this event study we analyse CAR (cumulative abnormal return) difference from each busi...
This study aims to determine whether there is market overreaction on the Indonesia Stock Exchange du...
This study aims to analyze whether market overreaction symptoms occur in Indonesia Stock Exchange, s...
This study aims to find difference between cumulative average abnormal return of winner stock and lo...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah telah terjadi market overreaction pada perusahaan y...
This research can give due consideration to investor in making an investment decision in order not r...
The fluctuation of of stock prices, in many occassions, are related to so called market anomalies. O...
ABSTRACTThis research aims to investigate the overreaction occurrence in Average Cumulative Abnormal...
Winner-loser anomaly explained that the shares are initially generate extreme positive abnormalretur...
This study aims to analyze the occurrence of market overreaction in the loser stock group and the wi...