We studied the fauna of Heteroptera in the sphagnum bogs of Belarus. The number of the revealed species is 43. Miridae and Lygaeidae were represented richer. Everywhere in the bogs Heteroptera made up 0,4-46,8% of invertebrates, in the grassy-undershrubed layer. In the Eryoforioso-sphagnosum bogs the faunal composition of Heteroptera is less various, in the Ledosum bogs it is richer. Under the condition of antropogenic load the share of Heteroptera in the association of bog invertebrates is 2 times lower than in the protected territories
During 18 years period of investigation 20 species of hemipterous insects have been registered in ag...
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 42-48.Цель работы – выявить таксоном...
Цель работы – выявить таксономический состав насекомых (Insecta: Auchenorryncha, Heteroptera, Coleop...
We studied the fauna of Heteroptera in the sphagnum bogs of Belarus. The number of the revealed spec...
Цель работы – изучить видовой состав и основные экологические и зоогеографические особенности населе...
The data on the number of species of animals in Byelorussian fauna is summarized. Fauna of Vertebrat...
The region of «Ikany» spring is distinguished by picturesque landscapes and undisturbed natural stat...
The seasonal dynamics of zooperiphyton communities in park-waters of Minsk were considered. The list...
The seasonal dynamics of zooperiphyton communities in park-waters of Minsk were considered. The list...
The role of mesostigmatic mites in the soil is ambiguous. This is the least studied group of microar...
The role of mesostigmatic mites in the soil is ambiguous. This is the least studied group of microar...
It was made the attempt to investigate the geographical structure of Belarus leaf-beetles fauna. The...
The assessment of vertebrates fauna present state in the state hydrological (laky) zakaznik "Beloe" ...
It was made the attempt to investigate the geographical structure of Belarus leaf-beetles fauna. The...
During 18 years period of investigation 20 species of hemipterous insects have been registered in ag...
During 18 years period of investigation 20 species of hemipterous insects have been registered in ag...
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 42-48.Цель работы – выявить таксоном...
Цель работы – выявить таксономический состав насекомых (Insecta: Auchenorryncha, Heteroptera, Coleop...
We studied the fauna of Heteroptera in the sphagnum bogs of Belarus. The number of the revealed spec...
Цель работы – изучить видовой состав и основные экологические и зоогеографические особенности населе...
The data on the number of species of animals in Byelorussian fauna is summarized. Fauna of Vertebrat...
The region of «Ikany» spring is distinguished by picturesque landscapes and undisturbed natural stat...
The seasonal dynamics of zooperiphyton communities in park-waters of Minsk were considered. The list...
The seasonal dynamics of zooperiphyton communities in park-waters of Minsk were considered. The list...
The role of mesostigmatic mites in the soil is ambiguous. This is the least studied group of microar...
The role of mesostigmatic mites in the soil is ambiguous. This is the least studied group of microar...
It was made the attempt to investigate the geographical structure of Belarus leaf-beetles fauna. The...
The assessment of vertebrates fauna present state in the state hydrological (laky) zakaznik "Beloe" ...
It was made the attempt to investigate the geographical structure of Belarus leaf-beetles fauna. The...
During 18 years period of investigation 20 species of hemipterous insects have been registered in ag...
During 18 years period of investigation 20 species of hemipterous insects have been registered in ag...
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 42-48.Цель работы – выявить таксоном...
Цель работы – выявить таксономический состав насекомых (Insecta: Auchenorryncha, Heteroptera, Coleop...