The author discusses in detail the posibilities of making use of the rights granted to workers of State enterprises in The State Enterprises Workers' Self- -government Act of 25 Sept. 1981 (Dziennik Ustaw Nr 24 sec. 123) and in The State Enterprises Act of 25 Sept. 1981 (Dziennik Ustaw Nr 24 sec. 122) in the situation of binding force of The Act of Special Legal Regulation in the Period of the Suspension of the State of Emergency of 18 Dec. 1982 (Dziennik Ustaw Nr 41 sec. 273) and later of The Act of the Special Legal Regulation in the Period of Overcoming the Socio-Economie Crisis of 21 July 1983. In the author's opinion the wording of the latter act became the source of numerous interpretational controversies questioning thus a p...