Jacek Koprowicz, PWSFTviT w Łodzi, Medium: Wizualizacja pierwszej warstwy narracyjnej: Odkrywanie, The Film Medium. Visualization of the First Layer of the Narrative Level: Discovery, „Images” 2012, vol. XI: (Re)imagining the Past, red. A. Mrozewicz i J. Czaja, nr 20, s. 101-132., ISSN 1731-450x, język: polskiA director’s analysis of the narrative layers in the film Medium allows one see, among other things, the construction of individual elements of the film. Through an analysis of the construction of particular scenes and the relations between them within the story, the text describes the visual narrative structure of the first layer, i.e. “discovery” (the next layers are: confirmation, confrontation and fulfillment). Within the horror g...