Ib Bondebjerg, Instytut Mediów, Procesów Poznania i Komunikacji na uniwersytecie w Kopenhadze, Wobec przeszłości. Trauma, historia i pamięć w filmach Wajdy, Confronting the Past. Trauma, History and Memory in Wajda’s film, „Images” 2012, vol. XI: (Re)imagining the Past, red. A. Mrozewicz i J. Czaja, nr 20, s. 37-51, ISSN 1731-450x, język: polskiHistorical films are important carriers of collective memory, and as a genre historical films can activate both strong feelings and strong debate. Historical fiction films often tell very accurate and almost documentary stories, but fictional films have the freedom to make historical reality in quite another way than factual historical films. This article deals with some of the most important histori...