Perfect Blue (1997) is an anime (Japanese animation) film directed by Kon Satoshi. The film revolves around a female idol (a pop star) named Mima who quits her career as an idol to become an actress, and how she gradually loses her mind. This article presents anime as an important pop culture phenomenon with a massive influence worldwide. This article examines the gender stereotypes promulgated by this phenomenon and proposes a different reading of the work of Kon by comparing how the gender roles are portrayed in the different versions: The Japanese original and its yakuwarigo or “scripted speech” (Kinsui and Yamakido 2015) and the US English subtitles and dubbing. Methodologically, the analysis relies on close observation of the use of th...
ENGLISH: This study explores the ideal brave women discourse which is portraited in animated Japa...
This thesis works on the notion of role language of two teenage boy hero-in-training protagonists fr...
This communication-dramatic studies research article investigates whether a Japanese theater audienc...
Perfect Blue (1997) is an anime (Japanese animation) film directed by Kon Satoshi. The film revolves...
57 pagesGendered language features, or lack thereof, are utilized in Japanese society to perpetuate ...
In this thesis, I explore Japanese feminine language and its various indexical meanings in the popul...
Traditional ideas of gender identities are affected by everything around us, while continuously bein...
This study focuses on the translation of the genderlect uttered by the transgender protagonist of th...
The Thai and Japanese languages allow speakers to express their gender and sexuality linguistically....
Coates (1996) stated that children learn language by modelling the speech of their community, while ...
[EN] Hayao Miyazaki's filmography is especially characterized by the ethical force of his stories an...
Although never named as a social movement, Japanese gaming culture has, ever since since Pac Man, pr...
This thesis aims to investigate Japanese gender stereotypes through the analysis of gender role port...
This master thesis examines representation of women and men in Japanese anime on the example of film...
Like a number of other Asian languages, Japanese is a language with a large number of pronouns. Thes...
ENGLISH: This study explores the ideal brave women discourse which is portraited in animated Japa...
This thesis works on the notion of role language of two teenage boy hero-in-training protagonists fr...
This communication-dramatic studies research article investigates whether a Japanese theater audienc...
Perfect Blue (1997) is an anime (Japanese animation) film directed by Kon Satoshi. The film revolves...
57 pagesGendered language features, or lack thereof, are utilized in Japanese society to perpetuate ...
In this thesis, I explore Japanese feminine language and its various indexical meanings in the popul...
Traditional ideas of gender identities are affected by everything around us, while continuously bein...
This study focuses on the translation of the genderlect uttered by the transgender protagonist of th...
The Thai and Japanese languages allow speakers to express their gender and sexuality linguistically....
Coates (1996) stated that children learn language by modelling the speech of their community, while ...
[EN] Hayao Miyazaki's filmography is especially characterized by the ethical force of his stories an...
Although never named as a social movement, Japanese gaming culture has, ever since since Pac Man, pr...
This thesis aims to investigate Japanese gender stereotypes through the analysis of gender role port...
This master thesis examines representation of women and men in Japanese anime on the example of film...
Like a number of other Asian languages, Japanese is a language with a large number of pronouns. Thes...
ENGLISH: This study explores the ideal brave women discourse which is portraited in animated Japa...
This thesis works on the notion of role language of two teenage boy hero-in-training protagonists fr...
This communication-dramatic studies research article investigates whether a Japanese theater audienc...