The Schur-concavity and the Schur-geometrically convexity of dual form for the elementary symmetric function are discussed and some relevant inequalities are established, moreover inequalities for the simplex are also established by above inequalities
We establish Schur-convexities of two types of one-parameter mean values in n variables. As applicat...
(communicated by V. Volenec) Abstract. Some sufficient or necessary conditions for Schur-convexity o...
We prove that the Hamy symmetric function is Schur harmonic convex for . As its applications, so...
The Schur-concavity and the Schur-geometrically convexity of dual\ud form for the elementary symmetr...
AbstractFor x=(x1,x2,…,xn)∈R+n, the second dual form of the Hamy symmetric function is defined by Hn...
The Schur-convexity or concavity and the Schur-geometric convexity or concavity of the Čebyšev Func...
We prove that the complete elementary symmetric function cr = cr(x) = C[r]n (x) =∑ i1+···+in=r x i1...
We investigate the Schur harmonic convexity for two classes of symmetric functions and the Schur mul...
We give a reverse inequality involving the elementary symmetric function by use of the Schur harmoni...
We establish Schur-convexities of two types of one-parameter mean values in variables. As applicat...
AbstractThe Schur-convexity and the Schur-geometric convexity with variables (x,y)∈R++2 for fixed (s...
We establish Schur-convexities of two types of one-parameter mean values in n variables. As applicat...
The monotonicity and the Schur-convexity with parameters (s, t) in R² for fixed (x, y) and the Schu...
In the present paper, we discuss the basic properties of a type of symmetric mean values. Such resu...
Two new means of two variables are defined by the hyperbolic and the arc-hyperbolic function compos...
We establish Schur-convexities of two types of one-parameter mean values in n variables. As applicat...
(communicated by V. Volenec) Abstract. Some sufficient or necessary conditions for Schur-convexity o...
We prove that the Hamy symmetric function is Schur harmonic convex for . As its applications, so...
The Schur-concavity and the Schur-geometrically convexity of dual\ud form for the elementary symmetr...
AbstractFor x=(x1,x2,…,xn)∈R+n, the second dual form of the Hamy symmetric function is defined by Hn...
The Schur-convexity or concavity and the Schur-geometric convexity or concavity of the Čebyšev Func...
We prove that the complete elementary symmetric function cr = cr(x) = C[r]n (x) =∑ i1+···+in=r x i1...
We investigate the Schur harmonic convexity for two classes of symmetric functions and the Schur mul...
We give a reverse inequality involving the elementary symmetric function by use of the Schur harmoni...
We establish Schur-convexities of two types of one-parameter mean values in variables. As applicat...
AbstractThe Schur-convexity and the Schur-geometric convexity with variables (x,y)∈R++2 for fixed (s...
We establish Schur-convexities of two types of one-parameter mean values in n variables. As applicat...
The monotonicity and the Schur-convexity with parameters (s, t) in R² for fixed (x, y) and the Schu...
In the present paper, we discuss the basic properties of a type of symmetric mean values. Such resu...
Two new means of two variables are defined by the hyperbolic and the arc-hyperbolic function compos...
We establish Schur-convexities of two types of one-parameter mean values in n variables. As applicat...
(communicated by V. Volenec) Abstract. Some sufficient or necessary conditions for Schur-convexity o...
We prove that the Hamy symmetric function is Schur harmonic convex for . As its applications, so...