Denna studie fokuserar på en nästan 1700 år lång sjösedimentsekvens från Hässeldala Port i centrala Blekinge, sydöstra Sverige. Den omfattar övergångsperioden mellan pleistocen och holocen, eller mer precist eventen GI-1a och GS-1 samt början av den holocena epoken i iskärnorna, vilket motsvarar de sydsvenska pollenzonerna sen allerød till tidig preboreal. För att studera den senglaciala klimatutvecklingen, och tidsförskjutningar mellan olika klimatindikatorer, har det tidigare utförts flera undersökningar på samma lokal. I denna studie utfördes detaljerade glödförlustanalyser för att möjliggöra korrelation med tidigare utförda och detaljerade analyser av organisk halt. Eftersom den tidigare dataserien var extremt väldaterad med 49 st 14C-a...
In 2003, peat cores were sampled from sites positioned on a north-south transect through Sweden and ...
Abstract: A suite of analyses was performed on sediments accumulated during the last 10 700 years in...
The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the effect of human impact in contrast to climate on the veg...
The aim of this thesis was to reconstruct the Holocene vegetational and climatic development in the ...
To study the causes of agricultural declines in south-west Sweden, a multi-proxy study including pol...
In this thesis the Weichselian history of northern Sweden is investigated, with emphasis on vegetati...
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: De begravda jordmånsbildningarna vid Sandhammaren och Skanörs lj...
In quantitative palaeoecology modern species-environmental relationships can be statistically modell...
A pollen analysis has been carried out on sediments collected from the small lake Västragylet. It is...
Two new Standard pollen diagrams from the raised bog Ageröds mosse in central Scania are presented a...
Three sites, Torreberga in Skåne, Farslycke in Blekinge and Lake Bolmen in Småland, with Late Weichs...
This paper presents the first unambiguous terrestrial palaeoecological record for the late glacial “...
Mineral magnetic, organic carbon and pollen studies of two varved Holocene lake-sediment sequences i...
A new palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic project in the subalpine Abisko area, N Scandes, founded u...
The late-pleistocene and holocene sediments of two mesotrophic lakes, Stora Kroksjön and Lilla Toekl...
In 2003, peat cores were sampled from sites positioned on a north-south transect through Sweden and ...
Abstract: A suite of analyses was performed on sediments accumulated during the last 10 700 years in...
The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the effect of human impact in contrast to climate on the veg...
The aim of this thesis was to reconstruct the Holocene vegetational and climatic development in the ...
To study the causes of agricultural declines in south-west Sweden, a multi-proxy study including pol...
In this thesis the Weichselian history of northern Sweden is investigated, with emphasis on vegetati...
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: De begravda jordmånsbildningarna vid Sandhammaren och Skanörs lj...
In quantitative palaeoecology modern species-environmental relationships can be statistically modell...
A pollen analysis has been carried out on sediments collected from the small lake Västragylet. It is...
Two new Standard pollen diagrams from the raised bog Ageröds mosse in central Scania are presented a...
Three sites, Torreberga in Skåne, Farslycke in Blekinge and Lake Bolmen in Småland, with Late Weichs...
This paper presents the first unambiguous terrestrial palaeoecological record for the late glacial “...
Mineral magnetic, organic carbon and pollen studies of two varved Holocene lake-sediment sequences i...
A new palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic project in the subalpine Abisko area, N Scandes, founded u...
The late-pleistocene and holocene sediments of two mesotrophic lakes, Stora Kroksjön and Lilla Toekl...
In 2003, peat cores were sampled from sites positioned on a north-south transect through Sweden and ...
Abstract: A suite of analyses was performed on sediments accumulated during the last 10 700 years in...
The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the effect of human impact in contrast to climate on the veg...