Skattar bäst som skattar sist? - Idéanalys av skånska folkpartisters inställning i skatte- och välfärdspolitiska frågor

  • Sernbo, Carl
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Publication date
January 2014
Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


This thesis was written as an assignment from the Liberal Party (Folkpartiet) in Scania, Sweden. Its main objective was to describe the ideological views of eight members of the regional party on tax and welfare related issues. The subject was raised when the party within their regional political alliance agreed to raise the regional tax level, even though the party had strong ambitions to lower it. The analysis of the thesis is based on two ideal types of social liberalism and neo-liberalism, which each consists of five relevant groups of ideas: view of man, welfare and market, freedom and individual rights, just distribution, and taxes. The material used in the analysis was gathered from personal interviews with eight members of the party...

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