Tillväxtstrategier i Simrishamns kommun - Regional utveckling och flerkärnig delaktighet

  • Danneholm, Hugo
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Publication date
January 2015
Lunds universitet/Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi


This paper looks into Simrishamn municipality in the southeastern part of the Scania region, Sweden. The investigation starts with the polycentric ideas of Scania that identifies 7 cities of certain criteria that are considered growth poles. The idea is that the smaller municipalities and cities will get the benefits after, e.g. Trickle down effects. This investigation tells us that Simrishamn reaches only 2 out of 3 criteria and therefore is not considered a growth pole. This due to the small number of inhabitants and with no outlook to reach the requested amount in the near future. Instead, this paper investigates the internal strengths of the municipality and the opportunities for development without regional participation. Three strateg...

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