This essay sets out to investigate whether the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP for short) might cause what its critics call a ”regulatory chill”. The TTIP is a free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the EU and the US. The TTIP will almost certainly, like most FTAs, contain provisions on investment protection and dispute settlement. The instrument most commonly employed in the field of international investment disputes is ISDS – investor-state dispute settlement. This form of dispute settlement allows investors to bypass national courts and sue sovereign nations in arbitral tribunals should they breach an obligation undertaken in an investment treaty. Critics fear that states bound by investment protecti...
TTIP - the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is an agreement that carries a number of r...
En kooperativ förening ägs och nyttjas av sina medlemmar. För medlemmarna finns det många fördelar m...
Sustainable investments have without doubt grown rapidly the last few years. Stock funds have recent...
The article considers the international factors shaping the negotiations of the TTIP trade agreement...
Under de senaste åren har en debatt pågått om det skydd utländska investerare erhåller inom ramen fö...
The public confidence is a fundamental prerequisite for the function of the securities market. The i...
This essay covers the subject of foreign ownership restrictions in LLCs in UAE mainland. In the begi...
To reach the goals set out by the Paris Agreement of limiting global warming to well below 2°C, sign...
The author analyses the arbitration policy, arguing that international commercial arbitration has be...
Pension funds and insurance companies are interesting, usually at least partially tax-exempt, and s...
Att investera i aktier på värdepappersmarknaden blir alltmer vanligt förekommande vilket resulterar ...
The thesis contributes to the understanding of the drivers in countries’ decision to adjudicate trad...
Pošten i pravičan tretman je najvažniji standard zaštite ulaganja u suvremenom međunarodnom pravu . ...
The difference between the laws of different countries and their legal systems when it comes to rest...
Temeljem odgovarajućeg konceptualnog okvira i upotrebom primjerenog empirijskog modela, ovaj doktors...
TTIP - the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is an agreement that carries a number of r...
En kooperativ förening ägs och nyttjas av sina medlemmar. För medlemmarna finns det många fördelar m...
Sustainable investments have without doubt grown rapidly the last few years. Stock funds have recent...
The article considers the international factors shaping the negotiations of the TTIP trade agreement...
Under de senaste åren har en debatt pågått om det skydd utländska investerare erhåller inom ramen fö...
The public confidence is a fundamental prerequisite for the function of the securities market. The i...
This essay covers the subject of foreign ownership restrictions in LLCs in UAE mainland. In the begi...
To reach the goals set out by the Paris Agreement of limiting global warming to well below 2°C, sign...
The author analyses the arbitration policy, arguing that international commercial arbitration has be...
Pension funds and insurance companies are interesting, usually at least partially tax-exempt, and s...
Att investera i aktier på värdepappersmarknaden blir alltmer vanligt förekommande vilket resulterar ...
The thesis contributes to the understanding of the drivers in countries’ decision to adjudicate trad...
Pošten i pravičan tretman je najvažniji standard zaštite ulaganja u suvremenom međunarodnom pravu . ...
The difference between the laws of different countries and their legal systems when it comes to rest...
Temeljem odgovarajućeg konceptualnog okvira i upotrebom primjerenog empirijskog modela, ovaj doktors...
TTIP - the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is an agreement that carries a number of r...
En kooperativ förening ägs och nyttjas av sina medlemmar. För medlemmarna finns det många fördelar m...
Sustainable investments have without doubt grown rapidly the last few years. Stock funds have recent...