AbstractThe background of this research was that there was a uniqueness in the way of using mortar/lesung in Ngajat Lesung dance at Seluas Village, which was by bitten but it also functioned as the guest reception dance (aesthetic presentation) and entertainment dance in Dayak Iban society. The purpose of this research were describing the function, entertainment,aesthetic presentation of Ngajat Lesung dance and describing the implementation design in Ngajat Lesung dance on the Art and Culture subject. The method ofthis research was descriptive method. Data collecting techniques were observation, interview, and documentation. The validity of the data testing techniques were extension of observation, and the source triangulation. The function...
This study aims to examine the changes in Syofyani's Pasambahan dance to the form of Pasambahan danc...
AbstractThis research was motivated by the desire of researchers to find out the structure of the pr...
AbstractThe purpose of this research is to describe the study of cultural values contained in Baliat...
AbstractThe research background was the symbolic meaning that needs to be expressed relating the use...
AbstractThis research was about the function of Ntabuh Dance in a wedding c...
Abstract Researchers want to explore thoroughly about the function of ritual dance Besagu Ayu who ch...
AbstractThe study aims to describe the presentation form of Ngajat Iban Penyambutan Dance in Labian ...
AbstractThis research is motivated to explore the function and development of Jepin Melayu Sayan dan...
AbstractThis research is motivated lack of writing and documenting of traditional dancing in the loc...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskusikan tari sebagai kebudayaan. Keberadaan tari merupakan ...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pergeseran fungsi tari Kondan pada suku Dayak Pom...
AbstractThis study analyzed the form of Betaja dance presentation in the community of dayak kancikng...
This research aims to describe of the presentation description form of present in Dayak Kanayatn tri...
: The purposes of this research are To describe floor design meaning Adat Dayak Pesaguan dance In Pe...
AbstractThis study aims to describe the ritual function of Ngayau Dance in Nyobeng Dayak Bidayuh Seb...
This study aims to examine the changes in Syofyani's Pasambahan dance to the form of Pasambahan danc...
AbstractThis research was motivated by the desire of researchers to find out the structure of the pr...
AbstractThe purpose of this research is to describe the study of cultural values contained in Baliat...
AbstractThe research background was the symbolic meaning that needs to be expressed relating the use...
AbstractThis research was about the function of Ntabuh Dance in a wedding c...
Abstract Researchers want to explore thoroughly about the function of ritual dance Besagu Ayu who ch...
AbstractThe study aims to describe the presentation form of Ngajat Iban Penyambutan Dance in Labian ...
AbstractThis research is motivated to explore the function and development of Jepin Melayu Sayan dan...
AbstractThis research is motivated lack of writing and documenting of traditional dancing in the loc...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskusikan tari sebagai kebudayaan. Keberadaan tari merupakan ...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pergeseran fungsi tari Kondan pada suku Dayak Pom...
AbstractThis study analyzed the form of Betaja dance presentation in the community of dayak kancikng...
This research aims to describe of the presentation description form of present in Dayak Kanayatn tri...
: The purposes of this research are To describe floor design meaning Adat Dayak Pesaguan dance In Pe...
AbstractThis study aims to describe the ritual function of Ngayau Dance in Nyobeng Dayak Bidayuh Seb...
This study aims to examine the changes in Syofyani's Pasambahan dance to the form of Pasambahan danc...
AbstractThis research was motivated by the desire of researchers to find out the structure of the pr...
AbstractThe purpose of this research is to describe the study of cultural values contained in Baliat...